News & Analysis as of

Employment Policies Job Duties


The U.S. Mental Health Crisis and the Workplace

FordHarrison on

Real World Impact: This is the first in a series of Alerts that will provide guidance to employers on navigating the complicated mix of concerns that can arise when dealing with employee mental health issues....more

Fisher Phillips

The Employer’s Playbook for Managing Remote and Hybrid Workforces

Fisher Phillips on

The rise of remote work has forced employers to tackle one challenge after another – and now the biggest challenge is effectively managing remote and hybrid workforces for the long term. When the pandemic hit, many employers...more

McAfee & Taft

Appeals court finds visually impaired employee unqualified for his position

McAfee & Taft on

In a case that helps employers understand what a “reasonable accommodation” is, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals recently affirmed a lower court’s ruling of summary judgment for a Georgia employer who was accused of...more


Ja Morant’s Suspension: Key Takeaways For Handling An Employee’s Off Duty Misconduct

FordHarrison on

On March 20, 2023, following an eight-game suspension, Memphis Grizzlies’ two-time All-Star point guard, Ja Morant, returned to play in a NBA basketball game against the Houston Rockets. Grizzlies’ fans welcomed back Morant...more

McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

Bare Minimum Mondays – An Exercise in Self-Sabotage

After the pandemic began to ease, and labor availability was the lowest in recent history, many employees found themselves working more and more to fill the gaps in the workforce. That led to the trend popularized a year ago...more

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Rébellion tranquille : ce que les employeurs devraient savoir au sujet des démissions silencieuses

Après l’éventail de mesures issues de la pandémie qui ont pu paraître sans fin, telles que les périodes de confinement, les restrictions obligatoires liées à la COVID-19 et les exigences en matière de distanciation sociale,...more

Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Quiet Riot: What Employers Need to Know About Quiet Quitting

After seemingly endless lockdowns, COVID-19 mandates and social distancing requirements, employers are gladly welcoming the return to business as usual. Yet, the same cannot be said for all employees, as we are now seeing a...more

CDF Labor Law LLP

[Webinar] Managing Post Pandemic Remote Work - Top Ten Things CA Employers Need to Know - January 18th, 10:00 am - 11:00 am PST

CDF Labor Law LLP on

As we hopefully continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, there are some things we hope to leave behind, but other, formerly “temporary” aspects of the pandemic appear to be taking more permanent root. Chief among these...more

MoFo Employment Law Commentary (ELC)

New Requirements For Employment Agreements In Europe

Following the enactment of the Directive on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions (the “Directive”), EU Member States have had to implement into their national laws additional information obligations on employers....more

Porter Hedges LLP

Best Practices to Prevent Internal Fraud and Embezzlement

Porter Hedges LLP on

While companies increase focus on external risks by enhancing regulatory compliance, anti-corruption policies, and cybersecurity, they must not lose sight of internal risks, including internal fraud and embezzlement....more


Should Quiet Quitting Result in Noisy Terminations?

Mintz on

Today's Wall Street Journal piece about the "quiet quitting" backlash raises some good points about workplace performance management. For those not in the know, "quiet quitting" is the decision by some workers to do just...more

Kerr Russell

Physician Employment Agreements: Key Provisions to Negotiate and Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Kerr Russell on

As physicians continue to trend towards an employment model, the employment agreements physicians are asked to sign by hiring practices and facilities are likewise becoming increasingly standardized and more difficult to...more

Amundsen Davis LLC

So Your Employee Wants To Work Remotely Out Of State

Amundsen Davis LLC on

Given the “new normal” of remote work for many employees throughout the country, the question as to whether to allow an employee to work in another state – either permanently or temporarily – has become something employers...more

Jaburg Wilk

JAN Speaks, and We Should Listen . . . Sorry, Marcia.

Jaburg Wilk on

The COVID pandemic has created unprecedented change in our lives and the workplace is no exception. Employers have had to scramble to meet accommodation requests in an unsure and novel environment. One of my favorite...more

Fisher Phillips

Sitting On The Job: When Sitting Is Requested As An ADA Accommodation

Fisher Phillips on

The retail setting is a particularly difficult one in which to make accommodations. This is because retail employees engage in a host of different duties that require all manner of physical activities. Those who are...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act at Issue in Recently Filed Complaint

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

In 2016, Pennsylvania enacted its “Medical Marijuana Act” (MMA), which permits individuals suffering from certain conditions to use marijuana for medicinal use. Several provisions in the MMA impact employers. For instance,...more

Jaburg Wilk

Medical Marijuana Can be a Tricky Issue for Arizona Employers

Jaburg Wilk on

In 2010, Arizona voters approved a medical marijuana law that applies to most employers. Generally, the law states that it is unlawful for an Arizona employer to refuse to hire (or terminate) an employee simply because they...more

McAfee & Taft

Medical marijuana and safety-sensitive positions - Gavel to Gavel

McAfee & Taft on

In March, Gov. Kevin Stitt signed into law the Unity Bill. It goes into effect in August and will permit employers to discipline employees in safety-sensitive positions, or refuse to hire applicants for such positions, if...more

K&L Gates LLP

Working Wise: Proactive Strategies for Pay Equity Issues

K&L Gates LLP on

In this episode of the Working Wise Podcast Series, K&L Gates Orange County Partner Spencer Hamer discusses recent trends in pay equity law, as well as proactive strategies employers can implement to promote pay equity in the...more

Fisher Phillips

How To Ensure ADA Compliance And Stay Off The EEOC’S Most-Wanted List

Fisher Phillips on

Even though the #MeToo movement has rightfully commanded overwhelming attention during the past year or so, supervisors cannot afford to lose sight of their substantial legal duties in complying with the Americans with...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

The Eleventh Circuit Affirmed It Was Not A “Crime” To Not Compensate For Dressing and Drive Time

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

The Eleventh Circuit recently affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment to two Florida counties in an action brought against former sheriff deputies under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Florida Minimum...more

K&L Gates LLP

Working Wise: Workplace Considerations Related to the Opioid Epidemic

K&L Gates LLP on

In this episode, Ryan Redekopp discusses some of the major workplace considerations related to the opioid epidemic, including potential signs that an employee might be suffering from addiction; considerations related to drug...more

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