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Employment Policies Trade Unions Hiring & Firing

Fisher Phillips

10 Biggest Changes in United Kingdom’s Sweeping New Employment Rights Bill: What U.S. Employers Can Do To Prepare

Fisher Phillips on

The United Kingdom just introduced a landmark new Employment Rights Bill, aimed at ending unfair employment practices and helping to deliver economic growth. According to the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister’s Office, this is...more

Mayer Brown

Guide to Employment Law in Hong Kong

Mayer Brown on

Overview - The primary piece of legislation, the Employment Ordinance (the “EO”), prescribes certain basic rights and protection for most employees. The EO applies to every employee engaged under a contract of employment...more

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Legal Q&A | Employee Representation - February 2020

German employment law provides for a sophisticated system of employee representation. The employees' representative body on operational level is the works council (Betriebsrat). The works council is to be involved in...more

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