News & Analysis as of

Encryption e-Discovery Professionals

Association of Certified E-Discovery...

[Event] eDiscovery Convergence 2024: From Basics to Breakthroughs in eDiscovery - November 20th, Toronto, ON, Canada

Join Us for eDiscovery Convergence 2024! This event is proudly hosted by the Ontario Digital Evidence and eDiscovery Working Group (DEED) and the Toronto Chapters of The Association of Certified eDiscovery Specialists...more


Going Mobile: The Current Landscape of Mobile Device Discovery

Cimplifi on

There is no doubt that mobile devices have become a constant in our daily lives. We take them everywhere and we can’t seem to live without them, even for a few short hours. In fact, you may be reading this very blog on your...more


[Webinar] Solve the Digital Puzzle: Your Guide to Navigating Mobile Forensics’ Future - April 24th, 12:00 pm EDT

HaystackID on

With mobile devices being the epicenter of communication and data generation, successfully navigating a digital investigation hinges on your ability to handle the proliferation of this data. However, forensic investigators...more

EDRM - Electronic Discovery Reference Model

[Webinar] Uncovering Hidden Data: How to Collect the Mobile Data your Investigation is Missing - August 10th, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET

The amount of data stored on phones is overwhelming. In 95% of investigations, text messages and conversations are used as evidence sources. Investigators need to be able to be able to retrieve the full, comprehensive...more


[Webinar] Targeted Remote Collections for iOS and Android Devices: Challenges and Considerations for Sourcing Tools and Teams -...

HaystackID on

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and with it, the challenges faced by digital forensics and eDiscovery collections professionals. Join our expert panel as they discuss targeted remote collections for iOS and...more

EDRM - Electronic Discovery Reference Model

[Webinar] Mobile Elite: Powerful and Accessible Mobile Extractions at Your Fingertips - July 19th, 1:00 pm - 2:15 pm ET

Uncovering the most amount of device data in a digital investigation is key to finding implicating evidence. In 95% of investigations, text messages and conversations are used as evidence sources. Corporate...more

Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC

Decoded: Technology Law Insights - Issue 4, August 2020

Crosmun v. The Trustees of Fayetteville Technical Community College Provides Much Needed Guidance to NC Courts on How to Properly Craft eDiscovery Protocols - The Court of Appeals decision in Crosmun is important because...more

Stange Law Firm, PC

New encrypted applications gaining prevelance

Stange Law Firm, PC on

In divorce and family law litigation, text, email and cell phone records are often important. In many cases, parties seek this evidence in discovery when it bears on relevant issues. Text, email and cell phone records can...more

Association of Certified E-Discovery...

Part 2: Is There an App for This? Reviewing and Producing Mobile Data

In Part 1 of our series on mobile devices, we discussed preserving and collecting mobile device data. In this article, we turn to the types of information you can expect to encounter with mobile devices and key considerations...more

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