Navigating the Inflation Reduction Act: Insights on Brownfield Energy Community Credits - Energy Law Insights
Harnessing Technology in Litigation: Insights from Troutman Pepper eMerge - Energy Law Insights
Growing the Solar and Storage Landscape With Mike Hall, Anza Renewables - Battery + Storage Podcast
Navigating Complexities in Tax Equity Transactions - Energy Law Insights
Capacity Crunch Series Continued: Balancing Reliability, Unprecedented Load Growth & Affordability in the Energy Transition (Part 2) - Energy Law Insights
Capacity Crunch Series Continued: Balancing Reliability, Unprecedented Load Growth & Affordability in the Energy Transition (Part 1) - Energy Law Insights
Podcast - Gestión del gobierno en el sector de energía: Una mirada desde los entes de control
Navigating Clean Hydrogen Tax Credits: Insights and Implications - Energy Law Insights
Expanding Energy Storage Through Cross-Cultural Insights With Dr. Marco Terruzzin, Energy Vault — Battery + Storage Podcast
Minería en tiempos de transición energética
Storing Gravitational and Hybrid Energy, With Dr. Raj Talluri, Enovix — Battery + Storage Podcast
Podcast - Panorama del sector energético en Colombia
Extending the Flexibility of Energy Storage With Julia Souder, LDESC — Battery + Storage Podcast
Power, Privacy, and Protection: Unpacking Security Challenges in the Energy Sector - Energy Law Insights
Non-Delegation Doctrine, FTC's Non-Compete Rule and Green Guides ... Oh My!
Duke Develops Flexible Energy Storage Options to Enhance Reliability and Maximize Value With Laurel Meeks, Duke Energy — Battery + Storage Podcast
Economics of the Energy Transition: Keith Fullenweider on Wharton Business Daily
Renewable Fuel Standard Outlook
De-Risking Renewable Energy Projects: Identifying and Avoiding Contractual, Economic, Legal, and Regulatory Pitfalls
Powering Anything, Anywhere With Alex Livingston, Joule Case — Battery + Storage Podcast
New York State continues to advance its bulk energy storage deployment efforts, and a final Bulk Storage Implementation Plan is now likely to be made public before the end of April—with procurements set to begin by June 30,...more
In this article we explore the topic of microgeneration in Germany, an area which is well advanced but undergoing constant change. Despite - and because of – the extensive interconnected networks for power and gas,...more
Since our last update, various initiatives and developments across the Asia-Pacific market seem to support the prospect of future growth. In this issue of APAC Energy Pulse, we take a closer look at some of these initiatives...more
The United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and Commerce held a March 5th hearing entitled: Scaling for Growth: Meeting the Demand for Reliable, Affordable Electricity (“Hearing”)....more
Energy markets in the United States are experiencing rapid changes on both the demand and supply sides of the equation. While various drivers such as a resurgence in manufacturing, data center buildouts for cloud computing...more
Our previous post covered the introduction of A.B. 303 (Addis), the “Battery Energy Safety and Accountability Act”, following a catastrophic fire at one of the world’s largest battery energy storage facilities located in Moss...more
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum signed and published in the Federal Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación or DOF) on March 18, 2025, the "Decree issuing the Law of the State Public Enterprise, Federal...more
On March 3, 2025, the Vietnamese government issued Decree No. 56/2025/ND-CP (Decree 56) which provides detailed guidance on the implementation of a number of provisions of the new Electricity Law regarding developing power...more
The Northwest’s largest hydropower supplier announced it intends to join a new day-ahead energy market based in Arkansas over one based in California. Bonneville Power Administration officials announced in a draft policy...more
Below are brief summaries of the agenda items for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC or the Commission) open meeting to be held on March 13, at 10:00 a.m. ET. The summaries below are based on publicly...more
Join us Friday, March 28 from 11:00 – 11:35 am EST for our annual Virginia Energy Legislative Update webinar. We will cover several important pieces of energy legislation that were passed during the fast-paced 2025 General...more
The growing demands of data centers are positioning renewables as essential, with wind, solar, and storage offering the most flexible and cost-effective solution to grid instability. This week, the New York Times reported...more
Summaries of the agenda items for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's monthly open meeting to be held on March 20, 2025, pursuant to the sunshine notice released on March 13, 2025....more
On March 7, 2025, the Energy Regulatory Commission ("CRE") published the new "General Administrative Provisions for the Integration of Electric Energy Storage Systems to the National Electric System" (the "Provisions")....more
La Comisión Reguladora de Energía (CRE) de México, el 7 de marzo de 2025, publicó en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el "Acuerdo de la Comisión Reguladora de Energía por el que se emiten las disposiciones administrativas...more
On February 10, 2025, Pluvia LLC (“Pluvia”) filed a petition for a declaratory order, asking FERC to clarify its jurisdiction to issue a preliminary permit for the construction, operation, and maintenance of transmission...more
On February 28, 2025, FERC granted a request by Holtec Palisades, LLC (“Holtec”) for waiver of certain provisions of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) Open Access Transmission, Energy and Operating...more
Energy storage resources have become an increasingly important component of the energy mix as traditional fossil fuel baseload energy resources transition to renewable energy sources. Currently 23 states, plus the District of...more
The energy storage industry has continued to progress over the course of 2024 and into 2025, buoyed in significant part by the federal income tax benefits in the form of tax credits enacted under the Inflation Reduction Act...more
Welcome to Edition 26 of P2N0 covering the drive to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to net-zero (NZE). P2N0 covers significant news items globally, reporting on them in short form, focusing on policy settings and...more
Recent increases in construction and financing costs are directly affecting the development of energy projects across Africa. Captive power projects (CPPs) offer the possibility of mitigating this challenging landscape for...more
Distributed energy resources (DERs) play an increasingly vital role in modernizing energy systems and achieving sustainability goals. Regulatory frameworks and policy priorities in both Oregon and Washington facilitate the...more
Building on the record of two dockets, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) initiated a new proceeding to evaluate certain issues with respect to the co-location of large loads, namely to serve data centers, in the...more
This program will provide an overview of how proposed Texas Senate Bill 6, if enacted, could impact large load projects within ERCOT, including data centers, industrial plants, and more....more
Look out biscuits — cornbread is making a comeback in the Georgia State Capitol. After failing to fully bake in the State Senate in 2024, legislation designating cornbread as the official state bread (HB 14) returned to the...more