#WorkforceWednesday®: NLRB’s Expanding Power - Pushback and Legal Challenges Ahead - Employment Law This Week®
NCAA Settlement Update — Highway to NIL Podcast
Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: The Demise of the Chevron Doctrine – Part II
#WorkforceWednesday: SEC Cracks Down on Private Companies for Violating Whistleblower Protections - Employment Law This Week®
Podcast: DOJ Goes After Civil Cyber-Fraud - Diagnosing Health Care
JONES DAY TALKS®: Consumer Protection Enforcement Changes Likely After SCOTUS AMG Decision
Jannica Houben and Katarzyna Golonka on Complex Investigations
Podcast: What's New for Insurers in Mental Health Parity Compliance - Diagnosing Health Care
Stephen Shaver on CARES Act Relief Funds and Healthcare Organizations
FERC: A Discussion on its Mission, Market Manipulation Investigations, and Common Violations
Nota Bene Episode 90: U.S. Q3 Check In: Stimulus, Relief, Election, and Direction with Elizabeth Frazee and Jonathan Meyer
Podcast: Non-binding Guidance: Examining FDA’s Enforcement Authority Over Stem Cell Clinics and Compounders
Podcast: Common Risks and Challenges in Running a Global Ethics & Compliance Program
FCPA Compliance and Ethics Report-Episode 167-Mara Senn on the Top 10 Practices in a Cross-Border Investigation
This blog post introduces the universe of European and national authorities and other relevant actors in the area of supervision and enforcement of the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) and provides a...more
The year since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been marked by the development of a multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency sanctions regime in the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union. Although coordination...more
IP Enforcement Portal is a single EU platform that assists IP right (IPR) owners to file and manage customs applications for action and to deal with related IPR enforcement matters. As of 13 December 2021, this tool has...more
The European Commission (EC) has published new guidance on the application of the referral mechanism set out in Article 22 of the EU merger regulation (EUMR) allowing for mergers falling below national merger thresholds to be...more
Key Takeaways - The European Commission has adopted a White Paper with proposals for sweeping enforcement powers to address potential distortive effects of foreign subsidies in the EU. The White Paper suggests that the...more
On August 1st, the Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information announced that the Hamburg Data Protection Commission (HDPC) had opened an administrative procedure to prohibit Google from carrying out...more
Why does this topic matter to organisations? National Data Protection Authorities ("DPAs") are appointed to implement and enforce data protection law, and to offer guidance. As set out in Chapter 16, DPAs have significant...more
The Situation: The recent EU Commission proposal for a tightening of consumer protection regulations envisages, in one of its pillars, to step up government enforcement of EU consumer rules, including by introducing a...more