#WorkforceWednesday®: NLRB’s Expanding Power - Pushback and Legal Challenges Ahead - Employment Law This Week®
NCAA Settlement Update — Highway to NIL Podcast
Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast Episode: The Demise of the Chevron Doctrine – Part II
#WorkforceWednesday: SEC Cracks Down on Private Companies for Violating Whistleblower Protections - Employment Law This Week®
Podcast: DOJ Goes After Civil Cyber-Fraud - Diagnosing Health Care
JONES DAY TALKS®: Consumer Protection Enforcement Changes Likely After SCOTUS AMG Decision
Jannica Houben and Katarzyna Golonka on Complex Investigations
Podcast: What's New for Insurers in Mental Health Parity Compliance - Diagnosing Health Care
Stephen Shaver on CARES Act Relief Funds and Healthcare Organizations
FERC: A Discussion on its Mission, Market Manipulation Investigations, and Common Violations
Nota Bene Episode 90: U.S. Q3 Check In: Stimulus, Relief, Election, and Direction with Elizabeth Frazee and Jonathan Meyer
Podcast: Non-binding Guidance: Examining FDA’s Enforcement Authority Over Stem Cell Clinics and Compounders
Podcast: Common Risks and Challenges in Running a Global Ethics & Compliance Program
FCPA Compliance and Ethics Report-Episode 167-Mara Senn on the Top 10 Practices in a Cross-Border Investigation
It’s time to revisit automatic renewal compliance. With California amending its Automatic Renewal Law ("ARL") on September 24, 2024, and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) finalizing its “Click-to-Cancel” Rule (“FTC Final...more
The agency’s latest report and recent statements indicate its potential enforcement and regulatory priorities regarding artificial intelligence. On December 18, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a report...more
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rewriting norms and changing the way we interact with the world. It is likely AI will have an outsized impact on every facet of life; this could be the start of the next technological...more
On 10 November 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC or Commission) issued a Policy Statement (the Policy Statement) outlining a significant expansion of its mandate to target “unfair methods of competition” under Section 5...more
On November 10, 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a new policy statement announcing the agency’s intent to exercise broad enforcement discretion to challenge unfair competition based on the authority granted by...more
The guidance significantly expands the reach of Section 5 beyond the Sherman and Clayton Acts to encompass unfair methods of competition that constitute “incipient” violations of the antitrust laws or violate “the spirit” of...more