Fierce Competition Podcast | Below-Threshold Mergers: Global Antitrust Scrutiny
Fierce Competition Podcast | Takeaways From the Illumina-Grail Merger Challenge Saga
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
The Informed Board Podcast | Will the EU’s Focus on Foreign Subsidies Make It More Difficult To Acquire European Businesses?
EU & UK Competition Law & Public Interest: Best Practices & New Challenges ahead
Nota Bene Episode 135: Europe Q3 Check In: Brexit, Data Protection, and Block Exemption Regulations with Oliver Heinisch
NGE On Demand: Personal Data Protection Travels: The New Standard Contractual Clause with John Koenigsknecht and David Wheeler
Nota Bene Episode 123: Europe Q2 Check In - Brexit Updates and Antitrust Laws in the Digital Economy with Oliver Heinisch
Nota Bene Episode 112: How Europe is Filling Enforcement Gaps for Digital Gatekeepers with Robert Klotz and Ciara Barbu-O’Connor
Nota Bene Episode 106: The Corporate Investor Movement Toward Environmental, Social, and Governmental Policies with Allison Troianos and Ariel Yehezkel
Nota Bene Episode 102: Examining European Union State Aid in the Face of COVID and Brexit with Jacques Derenne and Robert Klotz
What's Next after the Schrems II Decision of ECJ
Compliance Perspectives: The End of the Privacy Shield
Nota Bene Episode 89: European Q3 Check In - Merger Clearance and Data Protection Court Rulings and Brexit Updates with Oliver Heinisch
Podcast: ESMA Report: Undue Pressure on Companies
Nota Bene Episode 65: European Check In: Environmental Protection, Privacy Regulations, Digital Market Definition, and Brexit with Oliver Heinisch
Nota Bene Episode 55: Updates on the European Commission and Brexit with Isabelle Rahman and Oliver Heinisch
Jones Day Talks: EU's New Foreign Direct Investment Regulations Eye Specific Sectors
The EU T+1 Coordination Committee has published its summary of a meeting held on 6 February 2025. At the meeting, the European Commission representative indicated that the proposal to amend EU CSDR to shorten the securities...more
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published technical standards in relation to the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) Refit. There are three final reports with the draft technical...more
The European Commission (EC) has published a call for evidence on targeted amendments to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) to adjust the prudential treatment of securities financing transactions (SFTs) under the net...more
ESMA has launched a Consultation on a draft simplified disclosure template for "European private securitisations". The stated objective of the Consultation is to streamline disclosure templates for private...more
The European Commission (EC) has published a legislative proposal it has adopted for a Regulation amending the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) to shorten the settlement cycle for EU transactions in...more
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2025/215 has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, extending EU equivalence for U.K. CCPs under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)...more
The European Commission has extended its equivalence determination for U.K. central counterparties under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation until June 30, 2028...more
The European Commission has published a communication on a Competitiveness Compass for the EU, which sets out an action plan in response to the Draghi report published in September 2024. The communication sets out the...more
The European Commission has adopted a Delegated Regulation supplementing the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation on OTC derivatives identifying reference data to be used for the purposes of the transparency...more
Das ursprünglich am 7. Dezember 2022 durch die EU-Kommission vorgelegte Maßnahmenpaket, das unter dem Titel „EU Listing Act“ bekannt ist, wurde nun endlich im November 2024 im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union veröffentlicht....more
On 18 December 2024, the German Parliament (Bundestag) passed the Act on the Digitalization of Financial Markets (Finanzmarktdigitalisierungsgesetz, the "Act"). The Act is intended to complement key measures of the European...more
The European Commission has produced the first leg of its long awaited consultation on the function of the EU Securitisation Framework ("ESF") in the form of a paper setting out consultation questions....more
Antitrust and Competition - The Court of Justice of the European Union Finds That the European Commission Lacks Jurisdiction to Review Transactions That Fall Below the EU and National Merger Filing Thresholds -On 3 September...more
Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union (CMU), made a speech discussing the importance of continuing to make progress on the Banking Union and CMU....more
I. IMPLEMENTING BASEL III THROUGH THE CRR III REGULATION - The Basel III standards comprise a package of reforms that were largely agreed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision ("BCBS") in December 2017 and set out...more
Antitrust and Competition - European Commission Charges Company with Providing Incorrect, Incomplete, and Misleading Information During a Merger Control Proceeding - On 19 March 2024, the European Commission (Commission) sent...more
Blick auf den Markt und die bedeutendsten Transaktionen - Die Analyse öffentlicher Übernahmen im Jahr 2023 erscheint auf den ersten Blick wie eine Blaupause des Vorjahres. Die bereits 2022 festgestellten Trends bestätigten...more
Of particular note this week in the EU, the Council adopted the legislative package to strengthen market data transparency which includes changes to the EU’s trading rules on market data, payment for order flow and commodity...more
ANTITRUST AND COMPETITION - The Court of Justice Overturns the General Court’s Judgment Annulling the European Commission’s Prohibition Decision in the Telecom Sector - On 13 July 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) set...more
On 24 May 2023, the European Commission (the "Commission") adopted and published its retail investment strategy ("RIS") a key tenet of its Capital Markets Union Action Plan (the "CMU Action Plan"). One of the core objectives...more
On May 24, 2023, the European Commission published a Retail Investment Strategy package aimed at enhancing retail investor protections across the EU and encouraging participation in the EU capital markets. The package...more
ANTITRUST AND COMPETITION - EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation Expected to Enter into Force by Mid-2023 - On 28 November 2022, the Council of the European Union adopted the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR), which granted the...more
The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, recently adopted by the European Parliament, introduces more detailed sustainability reporting obligations for certain categories of undertakings. Third country entities...more
Welcome to the Regulation Round Up, a regular bulletin highlighting the latest developments in UK and EU financial services regulation....more
The European Commission’s High-Level Forum on the Capital Markets Union has published an interim report setting out its vision for the future of European capital markets. The CMU is an EU initiative which aims to enhance...more