News & Analysis as of

Exceptions Employer Liability Issues Employment Policies

Rodemer Kane Attorneys at Law

Work-Related Car Accidents: Who Is Responsible?

When it comes to workplace-related incidents, the question of liability can often be complex and nuanced. One common scenario involves damage to an employee's car while parked in the employer's parking lot. This article...more

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC

The Federal Trade Commission Ban on Non-Competes and its Impact on Transitioning Representatives and Advisors

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC on

On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued its final rule banning non-compete provisions nationwide (the Rule). While the FTC contends that non-competes keep wages low, suppress new ideas and stifle the...more

Perkins Coie

DOL Issues Guidance on PUMP Act for Nursing Workers

Perkins Coie on

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued Field Assistance Bulletin No. 2023-2 on May 17, 2023, to provide guidance to its field staff regarding enforcement of the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act...more


News of Supreme Court Leak is a Good Reminder to Revisit Confidentiality Policies

Verrill on

If you have been on social media today (or yesterday) or picked up a newspaper or listened to the radio or watched television—really if you have consumed news in any format, you likely are aware that POLITICO obtained an...more


Public Accommodation Laws and Vaccination Inquiries

Verrill on

Last week, the EEOC provided updated COVID-19 guidance to employers on vaccines and vaccine incentives in the employment realm. One area, however, in which the agencies has been silent is in the public accommodation space and...more

McAfee & Taft

Retaliation suit shows requests for unpaid overtime can be a timekeeping trap

McAfee & Taft on

Informed employers know they must pay non-exempt employee for all hours actually worked. If an employee works unapproved hours or overtime, the company must still pay for that time; however, they may discipline that worker...more

Holland & Hart - Employers' Lawyers

Employers Pay Attention: New Marijuana-Related Bill Passes Nevada Legislature

A number of employment-related bills passed this 2019 legislative session. One of these bills is AB 132, revising certain sections of NRS Chapter 613 as it relates to unlawful employment practices. ...more

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