Episode 17: Predictable Schedules And Comp Time – The Next Wage & Hour Frontiers?
Wildfires continue to rage across the Los Angeles area, causing death, massive destruction of property, and forcing tens of thousands to flee their homes. President Biden has approved a “Major Disaster Declaration” for...more
Recent labor law, workplace safety regulation, and antitrust enforcement developments are creating an increasingly complex regulatory landscape for grocery industry employers. Companies must navigate an array of compliance...more
The allure of doing business in California is undeniable. It is the world’s fifth largest economy (moving toward fourth) and a market of more than 39 million people. For employers, however, California presents unique...more
It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years—and this past month...more
While most of our focus over the last year has been on COVID-19-related developments, New York State and New York City employers also must ensure compliance with other recent and upcoming legal changes...more
1. PHILADELPHIA DELAYS ENACTMENT OF FAIR WORKWEEK ORDINANCE - Philadelphia employers received an early holiday gift in December: The effective date of the municipality’s new Fair Workweek Ordinance has been postponed from...more
The New Year brings new laws for Illinois employers. Some laws go into effect this Summer, while others are effective as of this month. For employers who have not yet revised handbooks, policies and agreements, the time is...more