Stoel Rives | Deeply Rooted Podcast Episode Three: Diversity in Agriculture: From its People to its Products with Elin Miller, Founder of Umpqua Nut Farms & Umpqua Vineyards
Stoel Rives | Deeply Rooted Podcast Episode Two: A Bright Future for Agriculture with Phil Ward, CEO of Oregon Future Farmers of America
Stoel Rives | Deeply Rooted Podcast Episode One: Keeping America Fed with Jeff Huckaby, President & CEO of Grimmway Farms
From Regenerative Agriculture to Transparent Processes — Organic Farming and Supply Chain Challenges and Opportunities
From FDA to USDA – the Alphabet Soup of Regulatory Agencies and How the Government Has Permitted Some Flexibility During the Pandemic
From Farm to Shelf – COVID’s Impact on Global Supply Chains
For most, the Farm Bill is understood to provide a safety net for the nation’s agricultural producers and a nutrition-assistance program for the nation’s most vulnerable. This understanding is generally correct; the Farm...more