US Expatriate Tax Planning - Part 2 - A Podcast with Janathan Allen
US Expatriate Tax Planning - Part 1 - A Podcast with Janathan Allen
The National Taxpayer Advocate 2023 Annual Report to Congress highlights how Taxpayers abroad are underserved and continue to face challenges in meeting their U.S. tax obligations. As a result, the National Taxpayer Advocate...more
Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) increase the likelihood of an IRS audit in your future? How does the IRS use AI to identify US taxpayers who attempt to hide assets, under-report income or otherwise cheat the IRS? In...more
Are there strategies to avoid an IRS audit? What are some of the known risks for triggering an IRS audit? What should you do if you have are concerned about the information provided a previous tax return? Is there a way to...more
On February 12,2020, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a Report on Virtual Currencies which discusses whether Taxpayers who use Virtual Currency (VC) are fully meeting their tax obligations. ...more
El 15 de marzo del 2019, el IRS informó que la ocultación de dinero o activos en cuentas extraterritoriales (“offshore”) no declaradas permanece en la lista de las estafas tributarias conocidas come la Docena Sucia o "Dirty...more
On March 15, 2019, IRS reported that hiding money or assets in unreported offshore accounts remains on the Internal Revenue Service’s “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams for 2019....more
Ahora que el IRS lleva cuatro años intercambiando datos de FATCA en sus computadoras y se está embarcando en una Campaña de Exactitud de Presentación de FATCA, existe una urgencia especial para los Contribuyentes...more
Now that IRS has four years of FATCA exchanged data in its computers and is embarking on a FATCA Filing Accuracy Campaign, there is a special urgency for noncompliant U.S. Taxpayers that did not previously exist....more
La posesión de moneda virtual, también conocida como criptomoneda, es legal tanto en los EE.UU como en muchas otras partes del mundo. La forma más conocida de moneda virtual es Bitcoin. ...more
The IRS recently announced it will be shutting down its successful Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP) for unreported foreign bank accounts and income. The program will end September 28, 2018. Under the OVDP, first...more
Taxpayers with unreported foreign financial assets and income run the risk of having the Government determine if their conduct was willful or non-willful. The definition of “Willful" or "non-willful” in Taxpayer’s conduct...more
All U.S. citizens and permanent residents are required to annually file a U.S. income tax return reporting their worldwide income from all sources. Additionally, U.S. citizens and permanent who have an interest in or...more
Panorama - A Parte I desta série teve enfoque no pesadelo e problema imprevisto de declarações de impostos não apresentadas para imigrantes não registrados. As consequências de "empurrar o problema com a barriga"...more
Part I of this series focused on the unforeseen nightmare and problem of unfiled tax returns for undocumented immigrants. The consequences of “kicking the can down the road”, will have significant legal and financial...more
Maintaining a foreign bank or other financial account is not illegal. Such accounts are increasingly common, as the globe shrinks. However, in the case of U.S. citizens or residents (and certain non-residents), failing to...more