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Federal Bureau of Investigation Hackers Bitcoin


Weekly Blockchain Blog - September 2024

BakerHostetler on

Crypto Payments Firms Announce New Integrations and Initiatives - According to reports, fintech bank Revolut recently announced a partnership with Ledger, a major crypto hardware wallet provider, to make it easier for...more


Weekly Blockchain Blog with Client Alert - August 2024 #2

BakerHostetler on

Crypto Offerings Launch by Major Investment Bank, Asset Manager and Insurer - According to a recent report, a major multinational investment bank and financial services firm is now allowing its investment advisors to pitch...more

Robinson+Cole Data Privacy + Security Insider

Karakurt Extortion Group Auctions Data for Ransom

On June 2, 2022, CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), the FBI, the Department of the Treasury and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued a joint Cybersecurity Alert warning companies of the...more

The Volkov Law Group

The Justice Department Strikes Back and Recovers Ransom Paid by Colonial Pipeline

The Volkov Law Group on

You just can’t make this stuff up – the Justice Department, displaying its growing sophistication of the cyber world, announced it recovered most of the ransom paid to criminal hackers of Colonial Pipeline Co. (Colonial)....more

Robins Kaplan LLP

Financial Daily Dose 6.14.2021 | Top Story: Whistleblowers Allege Private Equity Games U.S. Tax System

Robins Kaplan LLP on

The Times digs into what it’s calling private equity’s “conquer[ing of] the American tax system”—where “slight-of-hand tax-avoidance strategies” are so “aggressive” and pervasive that “at least three private equity officials...more

Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP

DOJ Seizes Millions in Ransom Paid to Colonial Pipeline Hackers

On June 7, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that it seized 63.7 of the 75 bitcoins paid by Colonial Pipeline to ransomware attackers last month. The recovered bitcoins were valued at $2.3 million at the time of...more

Robinson+Cole Data Privacy + Security Insider

British Member of “The Dark Overlord” Hacking Organization Extradited to Face Conspiracy and Identify Theft Charges in the United...

Beginning in 2016, the computer hacking organization known as “The Dark Overlord,” began to target victims in the St. Louis, Missouri area, including various health care providers, several accounting firms, and a medical...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

WannaCry Ransomware Alert

This is not a drill. Companies and law enforcement agencies around the world have been left scrambling after the world’s most prolific ransomware attack hit over 500,000 computers in 150 countries over a span of only 4...more

K2 Integrity

WannaCry Ransomware Update 16 May 2017

K2 Integrity on

This is an update to our 15 May 2017 e-mail regarding WannaCry ransomware, also known as WannaCry, Wry, WanaCrypt0r, Wannacrypt, Wanna Decryptor, etc....more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

WannaCry Ransomware Attack: What Happened and How to Address

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Recently, a widespread global ransomware attack has struck hospitals, communication, and other types of companies and government offices around the world, seizing control of affected computers until the victims pay a ransom. ...more

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