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Federal Bureau of Investigation Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Corporate Counsel

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Top 10 International Anti-Corruption Developments for February 2024

Designed for busy in-house counsel, compliance professionals, and anti-corruption lawyers, this newsletter summarizes some of the most important international anti-corruption law and enforcement developments from the past...more

Wiley Rein LLP

Cyber Incident Reporting Guidance: DOJ Explains How It Will Determine if a Public Disclosure Poses Substantial National Security...

Wiley Rein LLP on

The cyber reporting landscape is rapidly shifting. Many agencies are developing rules, and a major player has been the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with important questions arising about implementation of...more

Knobbe Martens

Lessons From the Complaint Against Uber’s Former Chief Security Officer

Knobbe Martens on

On August 20, 2020, former Uber Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan was charged with obstruction of justice and misprision of a felony for knowingly concealing a hack of Uber in 2016. Based on Sullivan’s complaint,...more

Oberheiden P.C.

A CEO's Guide to FCPA Compliance

Oberheiden P.C. on

- A tone-at-the-top business culture with CEO leadership is a critical component of effective anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy implementation. - CEO leadership helps set an example for lower management and company...more

Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

Fresenius FCPA Enforcement Action: Part I – Introduction

The long-awaited Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (FMC) Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement action was recently announced. ...more

Proskauer - Whistleblower Defense

Sixth Circuit Declines to Address the Definition of Dodd Frank “Whistleblower”

On January 13, 2017, the Sixth Circuit in Verble v. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC, declined an opportunity to be the third federal appellate court to address the definition of “whistleblower” under Dodd Frank’s...more

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