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Federal Transit Administration National Environmental Policy Act

Allen Matkins

Federal Surface Transportation Agencies Issue Updated Guidance for Section 139 Environmental Review and Permitting Process

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) (the Agencies) recently issued updated guidance for implementing 23 U.S.C. § 139 (Section 139)....more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Interstate 5 Bridge Replacement Project Becoming a Reality

The project to replace the Interstate 5 bridge between Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington, is becoming more reality than dream. For those who have traveled that stretch of I-5, or moved goods from the Ports or...more

Nossaman LLP

NEPA Rules Rewrite: Initiation of the Environmental Impact Statement Process

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This is the second in a series of eAlerts on revisions to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations published in the Federal Register on July 16, 2020, by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). The CEQ’s...more

Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard,...

National Environmental Policy Act: Federal Transportation Agencies' Revised Review Processes are Effective Today

Effective today, the Federal Highway Administration (“FHWA”), Federal Transit Administration (“FTA”), and Federal Railroad Administration (“FRA”) begin operating with amended regulations to implement the purposes and...more

Nossaman LLP

Final Rule Amends FHWA, FTA And FRA Regulations To NEPA And Section 4(f)

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Through a Final Rule effective November 28, 2018, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) will amend their National Environmental Policy Act...more

Perkins Coie

D.C. Circuit Upholds FTA Approval of Purple Line Light Rail Project

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Reversing a district court decision that had delayed work on the $2.4 billion Purple Line light rail transit project in Maryland, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has held that the Federal...more

Pillsbury - Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real...

District Court Again Orders FTA To Provide An SEIS for Purple Line Expansion Project

In an interesting decision by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on May 22, the District Court again held that metro-300x200a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) must be provided by the...more

Pillsbury - Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real...

9th Circuit Rejects NEPA Challenges To Planned 1.9-Mile Underground Light Rail Extension Project in Downtown LA

On December 6, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in the case of Japanese Village, LLC v. Federal Transit Administration, et al., affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgement to the government...more

Best Best & Krieger LLP

FAST Act Authorizes $305 Billion in Transportation Spending Over Five Years

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The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, signed into law by Pres. Barack Obama, authorizes approximately $305 billion in federal highway and transit spending over the next five years for transportation projects. The...more

Miller Starr Regalia

Second District Rejects CEQA And Fair Transit Hearing Challenges To LA Metro’s Westside Subway Extension Project In Lengthy...

Miller Starr Regalia on

In a 65-page opinion certified for publication and filed October 22, 2015, the Second Appellate District Court of Appeal affirmed the Los Angeles County Superior Court’s judgment denying writ petitions by the City of Beverly...more

Nossaman LLP

FTA Provides Notice of Expedited Public Transportation Improvement Initiative

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Federal Transit Administration (“FTA”) grants fund billions of transit-related projects throughout the United States. In an effort to improve the project delivery process for those projects, the FTA on September 3, 2015,...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Ninth Circuit Upholds NEPA and NHPA Analysis for Hawaii High-Speed Rail System

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On February 18, 2014, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected challenges under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Department of Transportation Act to the...more

Nossaman LLP

FHWA and FTA Issue New Guidance On MAP-21 Exclusions

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On July 6, 2012 President Obama signed into law MAP-21, which, among other things, contained new National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA") requirements for the Federal Transit Administration ("FTA") and Federal Highway...more

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