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Foreign Debt Commercial Bankruptcy Foreign Bankruptcies

Jones Day

Ownership Dispute Regarding Foreign Debtor's U.S. Assets Must Be Resolved Before a U.S. Bankruptcy Court Can Approve Sale Under...

Jones Day on

As the enactment of chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code approaches its 20-year anniversary, U.S. bankruptcy courts are still grappling with some unresolved issues concerning how its provisions should be applied to best...more

Jones Day

Circuit Split: Eleventh Circuit and Second Circuit Disagree on Eligibility Requirements for Chapter 15 Debtors

Jones Day on

Courts disagree over whether a foreign bankruptcy case can be recognized under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code if the foreign debtor does not reside or have assets or a place of business in the United States. In 2013, the...more

Jones Day

Foreign Debtor’s COMI Shift Dooms Bid for Chapter 15 Recognition

Jones Day on

In In re O’Reilly, 598 B.R. 784 (Bankr. W.D. Pa. 2019), the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania denied the petition of a foreign bankruptcy trustee for recognition under chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy...more

Jones Day

Foreign Debtors’ Forum Shopping Warranted Stay of U.S. Avoidance Litigation

Jones Day on

Even if a U.S. court has jurisdiction over a lawsuit involving foreign litigants, the court may conclude that a foreign court is better suited to adjudicate the dispute because either: (i) it would be more convenient, fair,...more

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