One Note Samba
Welcome to Lost in Translation: Blunders in International Estate Planning; in this blog series, I will delve into the rarified world of international estate planning, shedding light on possible pitfalls and slip-ups. Blunder...more
The IRS has clearly identified legitimate reasons why "U.S. Persons" would establish or maintain ownership in a foreign trust. However, a foreign trust creates complex IRS reporting requirements for US taxpayers who own a...more
Previously, ordinary trusts established under Cayman Islands law were subject to the rule against perpetuities. This means such trusts were required to vest within a perpetuity period of 150 years, at which point the trust...more
The United States is one of two countries in the world that imposes a tax on the worldwide income of its citizens. (The other is the East African country of Eritrea, which imposes a two percent tax on its citizens living...more
The 2017 Budget was presented by Minister Pravin Gordhan before Parliament on 22 February 2017. The 2017 tax proposals are projected to raise ZAR28 billion, and increase the tax burden from 26% of GDP in 2016/17 to 26.7%...more
Protecting family assets in the event of a divorce is particularly significant for family business owners, who typically want to avoid sharing ownership with their ex-spouses or their children’s ex-spouses. A prenuptial...more