News & Analysis as of

France Corporate Governance

International Lawyers Network

Establishing a Business Entity in France (Updated)

1. Types of Business Entities - • Description of the types of entities available in each jurisdiction through which to conduct business - Business may be conducted in France either through a French branch of a...more

Morgan Lewis

French Companies Must Measure and Report Gender Representation Gaps in Top Management

Morgan Lewis on

The French Labor Code requires companies with 1,000 or more employees to publish and provide the French authorities with (1) the equality index and (2) the gaps in representation between men and women among their senior...more


Fiscalité des « management packages »

Goodwin on

La loi de finances pour 2025 prévoit l’instauration d’un régime fiscal et social spécifique pour les gains réalisés par les managers à raison des participations qu’ils détiennent dans les groupes dans lesquels ils exercent...more


Litigation Trends for 2025: What Will This Year Hold for Business and Commercial Disputes?


We explore the trends for Business and Commercial Disputes in the UK, US and France/EU in 2025. Here's what you should know...more

Mayer Brown

Positionnement du Gouvernement devant le Parlement lors de lexamen a venir du nouveau projet de loi de finances pour 2025

Mayer Brown on

1.  CONTEXTE - Après la motion de censure du 4 décembre 2024 ayant entraîné le rejet du projet de loi de finances pour 2025, les discussions sur le projet avaient cessé....more

Mayer Brown

Taxe sur les salaires et sociétés « holding » mixtes : une délégation formelle prise par le président est insuffisante pour...

Mayer Brown on

La cour administrative d'appel de Lyon affirme que l'acte délibératif d’une société indiquant que son président n'exerce aucune fonction de gestion et de contrôle du secteur financier n'exclut pas qu'il exerce un pouvoir de...more

Mayer Brown

Siège de direction effective : la recherche de la substance de l'entreprise et du lieu de prise de décision stratégique

Mayer Brown on

La cour administrative d'appel de Paris vient remettre en cause la localisation du siège de direction effective d'une société localisée au Royaume-Uni en recherchant le lieu effectif de prise de décisions stratégiques et en...more

Foley Hoag LLP - White Collar Law &...

Anticorruption and FCPA Enforcement: Takeaways and Lessons Heading into 2025

This is the second in our 2025 Year in Preview series examining important trends in white collar law and investigations in the coming year. We will be posting further installments in the series throughout the next several...more

Foley Hoag LLP - White Collar Law &...

2024 in Review: Key Anticorruption Developments in the EU and France, with insights for 2025

This is the second in our 2025 Year in Preview series examining important trends in white collar law and investigations in the coming year. We will be posting further installments in the series throughout the next several...more

Morgan Lewis

How to Comply with France’s New Profit-Sharing Obligation Effective as of January 1

Morgan Lewis on

French Act No. 2023-1107, Transposing the National Interprofessional Agreement on Value Sharing within Companies, entered into force on January 1, 2025 and, similarly to previous laws on the topic, aims to simplify, secure,...more

Foley Hoag LLP

Actualités en matière de lutte contre la corruption en France et en Europe

Foley Hoag LLP on

Deux études particulièrement intéressantes ont récemment été publiées par l’Agence Française Anticorruption (l’AFA) et la Commission européenne dans le domaine de la lutte contre la corruption. La première étude publié...more

Foley Hoag LLP

L’AFA publie son rapport relatif à la Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) : « Mettre en œuvre les indicateurs...

Foley Hoag LLP on

Le 16 octobre 2024, l’AFA a publié son rapport relatif à la Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) : « Mettre en œuvre les indicateurs anticorruption de la Directive CSRD ». Notre équipe vous en propose...more


ESG Continues to Face Courts in France


The CSDD Directive thus adopted goes well beyond the obligations under the French corporate law on duty of care: it widens the scope of the companies concerned and imposes heavy penalties. ...more

Morgan Lewis

The First French Court Rulings on the Duty of Vigilance

Morgan Lewis on

Since 2017, French companies of a certain size have had to draw up a vigilance plan to identify the risks associated with their business and prevent serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the health and...more

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Shareholder Activism Continues To Increase and Spread in Europe

Key Points - - The number of activist campaigns launched against European companies rose again in 2023, with a new focus on German targets. - Many activists surveyed believe that France offers them good opportunities. -...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

France Transposes Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive Into Law

Latham & Watkins LLP on

As the first EU country to transpose the CSRD into national law, France will gradually replace the EFPD with sustainability reporting under the new directive. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (the CSRD)...more

International Lawyers Network

Establishing a Business Entity in France (Updated)

1. Types of Business Entities - • Description of the types of entities available in each jurisdiction through which to conduct business - Business may be conducted in France either through a French branch of a foreign...more

A&O Shearman

How ESG, deferred prosecution and tax enforcement shape the French corporate crime landscape

A&O Shearman on

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) litigation continues to be a hot topic, before both the French commercial and criminal courts. The number of French-style deferred prosecution agreements (Convention Judiciaire...more

Hogan Lovells

France to transpose CSRD first among Member States: what are the new requirements?

Hogan Lovells on

Pursuant to Article 12 of Law no. 2023-171 of 9 March 2023 containing various provisions for adapting to European Union law in the fields of the economy, health, labour, transport and agriculture, French Order no. 2023-1142...more

Hogan Lovells

Transposition de la directive CSRD en France : de nouvelles obligations RSE pour les sociétés commerciales

Hogan Lovells on

Prise en application de l'article 12 de la loi n° 2023-171 du 9 mars 2023 portant diverses dispositions d'adaptation au droit de l'Union européenne dans les domaines de l'économie, de la santé, du travail, des transports et...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Conseil d’Etat Delivers Long-Awaited Clarity on Regulation of Veterinary Clinics

McDermott Will & Emery on

In a noteworthy (and long-awaited) set of case laws issued on July 10 2023, the Conseil d’Etat delivered four rulings on the shareholding and governance rules applicable to veterinary companies (Nos. 442911 and 452448), and...more

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

Sustainability and ESG Advisory Practice Update, July 2023

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Completes the Launch of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Opportunities - On July 14, 2023, the EPA announced two notice of funding opportunities for up to $20 billion. Up to $14 billion...more

Morgan Lewis

French Interim Civil Judge Dismisses Duty of Vigilance Case Brought by NGOs Against Total Energies

Morgan Lewis on

A Parisian interim judge dismissed a claim brought by several non-governmental organizations against one of the first companies—Total Energies—to be sued for alleged violation of the French duty of vigilance law....more

Morgan Lewis

The Evolution – or Revolution – of the French Company Filing Landscape

Morgan Lewis on

The French company filing landscape is undergoing a time of change. Beginning in 2023, differing company registers merged into a “one-stop shop,” a single national register. Additionally, the Court of Justice of the European...more

International Lawyers Network

Establishing a Business Entity in France (Updated)

1. Types of Business Entities - • Description of the types of entities available in each jurisdiction through which to conduct business - Business may be conducted in France either through a French branch of a foreign...more

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