JONES DAY TALKS®: International Litigation: Confidentiality and Legal Privilege under French Law
JONES DAY TALKS®: Private Antitrust Litigation in France
Compliance Perspectives: The French AFA on their Anti-Corruption Activities and Guidance ("Sapin 2 Law")
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: Trade Secret Enforcement in France
FCPA Compliance Report-Special Airbus Series-Cecilia Fellouse-Guenkel, the French Perspective
Podcast: Digital Taxation—Implications for EU Technology Companies
Everything Compliance-Episode 3
FCPA Compliance Report-Episode 293, Saskia Zandieh on the new French Anti-Corruption law, Sapin II
Since 2020, our antitrust/competition practice has expanded the Dechert Antitrust Merger Investigation Timing Tracker (DAMITT) to include Germany and France. This supplements DAMITT’s U.S. and EU coverage with comprehensive...more
1. CONTENTIEUX - PUBLICITÉ EN LIGNE : MESURES CONSERVATOIRES IMPOSÉES À META - Par une décision du 4 mai 2023, l’Autorité de la concurrence (ci-après l’ « Autorité ») a prononcé des mesures conservatoires à l’encontre...more
In France and Germany, the trend is towards a drastic fall in significant investigations, combined with an exceptional duration of these investigations. Meanwhile, in both jurisdictions the average outcome shows an increasing...more
On March 16, in a preliminary ruling requested by the Paris Court of Appeal regarding Towercast’s appeal of the French Competition Authority’s decision in the TDF case, the Court of Justice of the European Union decided ...more
1. CONTENTIEUX - ACTION EN FOLLOW-ON : ABSENCE DE RÉPARATION POUR LES SOCIÉTÉS DU GROUPE COLAS DANS L’AFFAIRE DU CARTEL DES CAMIONS - Dans un jugement remarqué du 27 octobre 2022, le tribunal de commerce de Lyon a...more
In 2022, the French Competition Authority (the "FCA") maintained a high level of activity, focusing notably on digital markets, which remain one of its key priorities. Last year also brought the first successful failing firm...more
1. CONTENTIEUX - PREMIÈRE DÉCISION D’ENGAGEMENTS DE META - Par une décision du 16 juin 2022, l’Autorité de la concurrence (ADLC) a rendu obligatoires les engagements proposés par Meta, qui marquent, à notre connaissance, ...more
The French Competition Authority ("FCA") has unconditionally authorized the acquisition of furniture retailer Conforama by Mobilux under the failing firm defence ("FFD"). On 8 July 2019, Mobilux group ("Mobilux")...more
The French Competition Authority ("FCA") fines a company for gun-jumping in a case relating to a progressive takeover and de facto control - On 12 April 2022, the FCA fined the Compagnie Financière Européenne de Prises de...more
Par une décision en date du 12 avril 2022, l’Autorité de la concurrence (l’« Autorité ») a sanctionné la Compagnie Financière Européenne de Prises de Participation (la « Cofepp ») à hauteur de 7 millions d’euros, pour avoir...more
For the second time, our antitrust/competition practice has expanded the Dechert Antitrust Merger Investigation Timing Tracker (DAMITT) to include Germany and France. This supplements DAMITT’s U.S. and EU coverage with...more
Merger control - Infrastructure: For the first time, the French Competition Authority blocked a concentration in the infrastructure sector. The Authority ruled that the acquisition of exclusive control of the Pipeline...more
At a time when the European Union and many Member States have just unveiled their hydrogen strategy, the French Competition Authority takes the lead in delivering the very first analysis of the emerging hydrogen sector in a...more
Summer 2020 was characterized by two significant news items: one in the area of merger control and the other in the area of restrictive practices. ..On 28 August 2020, the French Competition Authority prohibited a merger...more
The French Competition Authority has maintained its aim to modernize and simplify the merger control system, initiated in 2017, with the publication and entry into force on July 24 of its . This document replaces the...more
For concentrations meeting the conditions set forth in Article L. 430-2 of the French Commercial Code, a notification to the French Competition Authority (Autorité de la concurrence) is mandatory. To facilitate merger control...more
Perhaps this is an indication of the way things are going to be after Brexit. The Governments of Germany, France and Poland have recently published a document calling for a radical review of the EU merger rules to allow a...more
Following the European Commission’s prohibition of the Alstom-Siemens transaction, the French and German governments published a manifesto calling for a reform of current EU merger rules, in order to shape a “European...more
Despite a year of continued global political uncertainty and increasing enforcement, shareholder activism and foreign investment control activity, the 2018 outlook for Europe is positive overall. Skadden partners in the U.K.,...more
EU: Regulatory Scrutiny of Online Hotel Booking Continues - The 13 July 2016 saw the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announce that it had sent a questionnaire to a large sample of hotels throughout the UK. As...more