JONES DAY TALKS®: International Litigation: Confidentiality and Legal Privilege under French Law
JONES DAY TALKS®: Private Antitrust Litigation in France
Compliance Perspectives: The French AFA on their Anti-Corruption Activities and Guidance ("Sapin 2 Law")
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: Trade Secret Enforcement in France
FCPA Compliance Report-Special Airbus Series-Cecilia Fellouse-Guenkel, the French Perspective
Podcast: Digital Taxation—Implications for EU Technology Companies
Everything Compliance-Episode 3
FCPA Compliance Report-Episode 293, Saskia Zandieh on the new French Anti-Corruption law, Sapin II
The CSDD Directive thus adopted goes well beyond the obligations under the French corporate law on duty of care: it widens the scope of the companies concerned and imposes heavy penalties. ...more
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) litigation continues to be a hot topic, before both the French commercial and criminal courts. The number of French-style deferred prosecution agreements (Convention Judiciaire...more