JONES DAY TALKS®: International Litigation: Confidentiality and Legal Privilege under French Law
JONES DAY TALKS®: Private Antitrust Litigation in France
Compliance Perspectives: The French AFA on their Anti-Corruption Activities and Guidance ("Sapin 2 Law")
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: Trade Secret Enforcement in France
FCPA Compliance Report-Special Airbus Series-Cecilia Fellouse-Guenkel, the French Perspective
Podcast: Digital Taxation—Implications for EU Technology Companies
Everything Compliance-Episode 3
FCPA Compliance Report-Episode 293, Saskia Zandieh on the new French Anti-Corruption law, Sapin II
Le bureau Parisien de Hogan Lovells a le plaisir de vous adresser sa lettre d'information mensuelle qui vous présente les Actualités législatives et réglementaires du mois d’avril 2024. Ces Actualités législatives et...more
In today’s digital era where social media is at the core of all business, influencers have emerged as pivotal players in the world of marketing, wielding significant influence over their followers and the brands they...more
Dans un contexte toujours croissant de règlementation de la vie en ligne et notamment des plateformes, c’est au tour du marché de l’influence d’attirer l’attention conjointe du législateur, du gouvernement et des autorités de...more
In an ever shifting French regulatory landscape in relation to online practices, especially for online platforms, influencer practices have currently become the focus of the French legislator and public authorities for the...more
In an attempt to shut down free speech online, Turkey enacted a law that requires social media platforms with more than a million daily users in Turkey to open an office there or assign a representative who is legally...more
Digitally altered images of models have been a controversial advertising issue for decades. In Great Britain, the Advertising Standards Authority Ltd., which is the governing regulatory advertising body, in 2011 banned...more
New York Attorney General Announces Record Number of Data Breach Notices in 2016 - On March 21, 2017, the New York Attorney General's Office announced that it received 1,300 reported data breaches in 2016—a 60 percent...more
Welcome to the first issue of EU Retail News written by members of the Retail Team at Bryan Cave - EU and US: Marketing fitspiration from SoulCycle - SoulCycle has taken the US by storm, with fitness studios...more