News & Analysis as of

Freelance Workers Minimum Wage Sick Leave

Jackson Lewis P.C.

A Reminder of Changes to California Workplace Law from 2024

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

As we wrap up 2024, here is a review of some of the changes to California employment law that will continue to affect employers in 2025. Legislative Changes...more

Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC

Mid-Year Employment Law Compliance Requirements Your Business Should Be Familiar With

Check out our 2024 employment law checklist to refresh yourself on employment laws that your company should be compliant with along with some specific laws that recently became effective, including: •Chicago Paid Leave and...more


Republic of Labour Law – Irish HR Updates

Littler on

Welcome to our inaugural edition of the Republic of Labour Law, a monthly newsletter in which we distill the most important Irish legal and HR updates from the last month in 500 words or less. ...more


WPI State of the States: What State and Local Measures Will Appear on the Ballot?

Littler on

After the California legislature adjourned—sending several noteworthy labor and employment bills to Governor Brown for his veto or signature in September—only a few states remain in active session. ...more

Fisher Phillips

Your Comprehensive Guide to 2018 Proposed California Legislation

Fisher Phillips on

February 16 was the deadline to introduce new bills in the California Legislature. By that date, nearly 2,200 bills were introduced. While that may seem like a staggering amount of legislative proposals (especially for a...more

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