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Freelance Workers New Legislation Misclassification


Effective July 1, Minnesota Employers Face Increased Scrutiny and Possible Liability for Using Independent Contractors Versus...

Littler on

Governor Tim Walz has signed into law significant changes to Minnesota’s independent contractor and employment laws.  Effective July 1, all employers, as well as their owners, risk significantly increased penalties for...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Another State Enacts Legislation To Protect Independent Contractors: A Quickening Trend

Fox Rothschild LLP on

There is a general trend in the country to narrow the scope of who can be an independent contractor and to provide such individuals more “rights” concerning their employment, or engagement. More States are passing laws...more

Miller & Martin PLLC

Department of Labor Announces Proposed Rule on Employee/Independent Contractor Test

Miller & Martin PLLC on

The U.S. Department of Labor yesterday announced a Proposed Rule on the test to determine whether a worker should be classified as an employee or an independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  The DOL will...more


Tightening the Vise: N.J. Further Expands Power to Thwart Employee Misclassification

Littler on

On July 8, 2021, N.J. Governor Phil Murphy signed a package of bills expanding the power of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) to enforce state wage, benefit and tax laws, and enhancing penalties for...more

Stoel Rives - World of Employment

U.S. Department of Labor Repeals Trump-Era Rule Favoring Independent Contractor Status, as Expected

As expected, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has repealed the Trump-era rule regarding classification of independent contractors.  As we discussed here, the Trump-era rule codified the “economic realities test” for use...more


West Virginia Enacts Legislation to Clarify Worker Classification

Littler on

Governor Jim Justice recently signed into law Senate Bill 272, the West Virginia Employment Law Workers Classification Act (the “Act”), which goes into effect on June 9, 2021.  The legislation provides standards for...more


California Supreme Court Holds “ABC Test” For Independent Contractors Applies Retroactively

Polsinelli on

On January 14, 2021, the California Supreme Court held that the “ABC Test” for classifying workers as independent contractors applies retroactively.  The high court first articulated this standard, which makes it tougher for...more


California Supreme Court Reaffirms that ABC Test is Retroactive

Littler on

On January 14, 2021, the California Supreme Court held in Vazquez v. Jan-Pro Franchising Int'l, Inc. that the ABC test for determining worker classification fashioned in its groundbreaking decision, Dynamex v. Superior...more

CDF Labor Law LLP

California Supreme Court Affirms That The Dynamex (A-B-C) Test Applies Retroactively

CDF Labor Law LLP on

Since April 2018, when the California Supreme Court issued its Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court, 4 Cal. 5th 903 (2018) decision, which radically changed the way in which courts differentiated between an...more

Epstein Becker & Green

#WorkforceWednesday: New AB5 Exemptions, EEOC COVID-19 Updates, Joint-Employer Rule Partially Struck Down - Employment Law This...

Epstein Becker & Green on

Welcome to #WorkforceWednesday! This week, worker classification and joint employment are in focus, as California amends AB5 and a federal judge rules on joint-employer liability. New AB5 Exemptions in CA (video attached) ...more

Epstein Becker & Green

California Adds More Exemptions to Controversial Independent Contractor Statute

We have written frequently here about AB5, California’s controversial law that creates an “ABC” test that must be satisfied in order for a worker to be treated as an independent contractor. ...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Federal Judge Denies Ride Share and Delivery Companies’ Request for Preliminary Injunction to Enjoin Enforcement of California’s...

Epstein Becker & Green on

As we recently wrote here, Uber and Postmates (and two of their drivers) to file an eleventh-hour lawsuit seeking to enjoin the enforcement of California’s controversial new independent contractor law – known as AB 5 –...more

Fisher Phillips

Court Rejects Gig Economy Attempt To Block New California Misclassification Law

Fisher Phillips on

A federal court judge today denied a request by several gig economy giants (and a few contractors) to block AB-5, the new misclassification law in California that codifies the ABC test and makes it much more difficult to...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Federal Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction to Prevent Enforcement of California’s Controversial New Independent Contractor...

As we have written here, the day before California’s controversial AB 5 was set to go into effect, U.S. District Court Judge Roger Benitez issued a temporary restraining order to block enforcement of the law as to...more


New Jersey Continues to Expand Worker Protections – New Protections for Misclassified Workers; New Potential Liability

Polsinelli on

In addition to bolstering the provisions of its mini-WARN Act (see Part I), New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy also recently signed into law expansive provisions aimed at deterring worker misclassification....more


New Jersey Enacts Legislative Package to Add Teeth to Worker Misclassification Laws

Littler on

Seeking to tighten worker misclassification enforcement in New Jersey, on January 20, 2020, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law a package of legislation to add misclassification penalties, allow stop-work orders against...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

New Jersey Strengthens Enforcement Tools to Crack Down on Independent Contractor Misclassification

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis: Governor Murphy signed 153 bills into law on January 20, 2020, including six (6) that increase enforcement mechanisms for state agencies to impose certain penalties against employers who misclassify workers...more


Plaintiffs’ Bar Seeks to Expand Reach of California’s Dynamex Decision and ABC Test to Franchising, Joint Employment

Littler on

The battle over the scope and applicability of the so-called “ABC test” in determining California employers’ potential liability under wage and hour and other state labor laws continues unabated....more


The Gig is Up – New Jersey Misclassification Laws Create Extreme Risk for Anyone Utilizing Independent Contractors

FordHarrison on

Soon after being elected, New Jersey’s Governor created a task force to end misclassification of independent contractors, and the state’s Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOL) began increasing audits and its...more


California Supreme Court Grants Review of Dynamex Retroactivity – Again

Littler on

On Wednesday, January 15, 2020, the California Supreme Court agreed to review a second case raising questions as to the scope and retroactivity of its landmark 2018 Dynamex decision....more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

State Enforcement of AB 5 Against Motor Carriers Preliminarily Enjoined

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis: A federal court has granted a preliminary injunction blocking the State of California from enforcing AB 5 against motor carriers. The court provided a fulsome analysis demonstrating that the Federal...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

California State Court Agrees With Motor Carriers’ Preemption Challenge To AB 5

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis: On the heels of last week’s federal court order temporarily blocking enforcement of AB 5 by the State of California, a California state court in Los Angeles reached the same conclusion, finding the Federal...more

Epstein Becker & Green

California State Court Judge Rules That Controversial New Independent Contractor Law Does Not Apply to Independent Truckers

Epstein Becker & Green on

Following the challenges to AB 5, California’s controversial new independent contractor law, can be a difficult endeavor. Every day seems to bring a new development....more

Best Best & Krieger LLP

AB 5 Compliance: Public Agencies and Joint Employer Liability

Independent Contractor Agreements Should be Reviewed - With Assembly Bill 5 taking effect Jan. 1, public agencies should not overlook potential joint employer liability claims, which may become more common under AB 5....more


Initiative to Overturn California Independent Contractor Law for App-Based Drivers, Deliverers Advances

Littler on

On January 2, 2020, the Attorney General for the State of California released the title and summary of Initiative 19-0026—a proposed ballot measure that would overturn the state’s recently enacted independent contractor law,...more

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