News & Analysis as of

French Language Requirements Canada Contract Drafting

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Québec’s Language Legislation: Release of Regulations Impacting Commercial Contracts and Trademarks

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This post summarizes a newly published regulation (the “Amended Regulation”) amending the Québec Charter of the French Language (“Charter”) and the Regulation respecting the language of commerce and business in key areas such...more

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Québec’s Language Legislation: Release of Draft Regulations Impacting Commercial Contracts and Trademarks

Stikeman Elliott LLP on

This post summarizes a newly published draft regulation (“Draft Regulation”) that, if passed, will amend the Québec Charter of the French Language (“Charter”) and the Regulation respecting the language of commerce and...more

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Québec’s Language Legislation: Be Ready for Important Changes Impacting Commercial Contracts, Trademark Usage and Government...

Stikeman Elliott LLP on

Our August 2022 post summarized the main business-related changes that Bill 96 made to the Québec Charter of the French Language (“Charter”). This post provides updates on several key issues, particularly the potential impact...more

Stikeman Elliott LLP

Business Impacts of Québec’s Language Law Changes: An Update on Bill 96

Stikeman Elliott LLP on

Bill 96, key legislation that will amend Québec’s Charter of the French Language (the “Charter”) and affect many businesses, has just been passed in the Québec National Assembly. It will not have force of law until assent...more

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