What You Need to Know About the Unified Patent Court and Unitary Patent
Navigating the Once-Obscure German Nonresident Withholding Tax
German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and Its Impact on Latin America
Compliance Perspectives: The German Corporate Sanctions Act
JONES DAY TALKS®: Private Antitrust Litigation in Germany
JONES DAY PRESENTS®: Trade Secret Enforcement in Germany
Nota Bene Episode 89: European Q3 Check In - Merger Clearance and Data Protection Court Rulings and Brexit Updates with Oliver Heinisch
Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 7: Joe Mittag, OMF Otto Mittag & Partner | Frankfurt, Germany
Jones Day Talks: Developments in Germany's Wind Power Regulations
Jones Day Talks: Navigating Foreign Direct Investment in Germany
Investor Considerations in Germany’s Renewable Energy Sector
E18: ICANN Loses First GDPR Court Ruling in Germany
As investors scrutinise German residential real estate opportunities in 2024, the environment looks very different from a year ago. While some large deals were executed in 2023 despite pressures in the market, the outlook for...more
Die Inflation steigt und damit auch die Indexmieten. Lag der Mittelwert der Inflation vor Beginn der Ukrainekrise noch bei 1,37 % p.a., betrug die Inflationsrate nunmehr im Juni 6,4 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat. Wer...more
Das Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf hat in einem Hinweisbeschluss bereits im vergangenen September entschieden, dass Mieter während der COVID-19-Pandemie nicht davon ausgehen dürfen, dass nach Abschluss eines pandemiebedingten...more
The Consumer Price Index for Germany (CPI) is both updated monthly in line with current price developments and, as a rule, subjected to a fundamental revision at five-year intervals and switched to a new base year....more
Das neue Jahr 2023 bringt einige wichtige Gesetzesänderungen für die Immobilienbranche mit sich, die Ihre Aufmerksamkeit verlangen. In unserem Real Estate Update werfen wir einen Blick auf ausgewählte Gesetzesänderungen, die...more
Eine Indexklausel, auch bekannt als Wertsicherungsklausel, findet sich in vielen gewerblichen Mietverträgen. Mit einer Indexklausel sollen inflations- und deflationsbedingte Wertveränderungen sowohl zugunsten als auch...more
German civil law differentiates between residential and commercial leases (Mietvertrag) and leaseholds (Pachtvertrag). Residential or commercial leases are more common than leaseholds: they grant the tenant a right to use the...more
This week, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) issued its eagerly awaited judgment on rent payment obligations during COVID-related business closures. The judgment eases, at least in part, landlords and tenants’ uncertainty...more
With its ruling passed on 12 January 2022, the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof; BGH) upheld the appeal brought against the judgment passed by the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht; OLG) of Dresden...more
Zusammenfassung der bisher ergangenen Rechtsprechung zu § 313 Abs. 1 BGB Es wird spannend… anstehende mündliche Verhandlung des BGH zur Störung der Geschäftsgrundlage (§ 313 Abs. 1 BGB) im Zusammenhang mit der Covid-19...more
For some time now, Berlin has been experiencing a shortage of affordable and socially subsidized housing. ...more
Das im Februar 2020 verkündete Gesetz zur Mietenbegrenzung im Wohnungswesen in Berlin, oft auch einfach als „Mietendeckel-Gesetz“ bezeichnet, ist nichtig. So hat es das Bundesverfassungsgericht heute entschieden. Damit...more
In February 2021, three Higher Regional Courts had to deal with the question of whether and on what legal basis the rents agreed in individual cases are to be temporarily reduced due to the official closure orders during the...more
On 24 February 2021, the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) of Dresden (judgment of 24 February 2021, case no. 5 U 1782/20) took a stand on risk-sharing between landlord and tenant as a result of the pandemic-related...more
Consequences for the hotel industry - According to a recent judgement of the Regional Court of Munich, the circumstances of the specific individual case must still be taken into account when determining the amount of rent...more
Does the owner bear the risk in case of bankruptcy? Due to the tense situation in the hotel industry, various lessees are currently approaching their lessors asking for deferral or abatement of rent payments for the...more
The Corona Crisis has hit the real estate market in general, but in particular it is impacting the retail and hospitality sectors. The scale and business relevance of the Corona Crisis is somehow unprecedented, and therefore...more
On April 1, 2020, an exemption from the landlord's termination right comes into force, which protects tenants against the loss of their apartment or commercial space in the event of late payment of the rent. However, this...more
Tenants who cannot longer pay their rent due to the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic do not have to fear a termination of the lease agreement by their landlord due to late payment as per § 543 (2) clause 1 No. 3 of the German...more
In spring of this year, retail stores, among other places, were closed for several weeks due to pandemic-related official orders in Germany. In the meantime, the first judgments have been issued as to whether the tenants of...more
German government plans to qualify usage restrictions due to state Covid-19-related measures as a disruption of the business basis of lease agreements. On 13 December 2020, the Federal Government and the Minister Presidents...more
The German Federal Parliament approved the government draft bill for an “Act to further shorten the residual debt discharge procedure” (Federal Parliamentary Doc. 19/21981, 19/22773) on 17 December 2020 in the version of the...more
Nach dem Beschluss der „Telefonkonferenz der Bundeskanzlerin mit den Regierungschefinnen und Regierungschefs der Länder“ vom 13. Dezember 2020 zur Einführung eines bundesweiten „harten“ Lockdowns soll für Gewerbemiet- und...more
What actions are available to the landlord in the event of COVID-19-based rent payment defaults? As a result of the legal amendments on German tenancy law that were passed in March 2020 in connection with the COVID-19...more
Welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten stehen dem Vermieter im Falle COVID-19 basierter Mietzahlungsausfälle zur Verfügung? Durch das „Gesetz zur Abmilderung der Folgen der COVID-19-Pandemie im Zivil-, Insolvenz- und...more