Stoel Rives | Deeply Rooted Podcast Episode One: Keeping America Fed with Jeff Huckaby, President & CEO of Grimmway Farms
In this collaboration between the KPMG Board Leadership Center (BLC) and Eurasia Group, our aim is to help widen the boardroom aperture on the global climate challenge—where it stands, and what’s at stake—and to help boards...more
New carbon emission tracking technology will quantify emissions of greenhouse gas, holding the energy industry accountable for its CO2 output. Backed by Google, this cutting-edge initiative will be known as Climate TRACE...more
US. REGULATORY AND LITIGATION DEVELOPMENTS - EPA PROPOSES TO RESCIND CLEAN POWER PLAN - What EPA Did - In a decision expected and promised since the election of President Donald Trump, the United States...more
EPA’s recently issued Clean Power Plan (“CPP” or “Plan”) affects every state differently. The Plan has a decidedly nationwide impact—reducing the United States’ power plant greenhouse gas emissions 32 percent by the year...more