The Rise in Greenwashing Claims - Energy Law Insights
Podcast - Cracking Down on Carbon Markets: CFTC and FTC Exercise Heightened Scrutiny
Podcast – Introducing the Greenwashing Mitigation Team
Greenwashing and Compliance Risk
ESG and SEC Enforcement in 2022
JONES DAY TALKS®: Riding the Green Bond Wave: Focus is on Standards as Volumes Surge
On August 16, 2022, US Congress enacted Reese’s Law, which aims to protect children from ingestion hazards associated with certain lithium batteries found in consumer electronics. The law stems from the death of 18-month-old...more
FTC Warns Influencers That Disclosures Miss the Sweet Spot - The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) continues to be very clear that policing the failure to disclose material connections by influencers when posting social media...more
CSPI: Performance Enhancer Supplements Aren’t What They Seem - Manufacturers need to start by including the advertised ingredients - Double-Dog Dare You - Would you eat something called Rauvolfia vomitoria? No? Of...more