Law Brief: Alexis Gruttadauria and Rich Schoenstein Discuss Why You Need an Estate Plan
The UAE has issued a new Personal Status Law, Federal Decree Law No. 41 Of 2024 on the Issuance of the Personal Status Law on the 1st of October 2024. The Law will come into effect on 15 April 2025. This new law has made...more
What do you need to know about estate planning for pets in San Diego and throughout California? What are some of the essential elements of an effective estate plan that will protect your beloved companion(s) while ensuring...more
We all remember “The Brady Bunch” — the picture-perfect story of two families seamlessly coming together under one roof, complete with a catchy theme, and every conflict resolved neatly in 22 minutes. But in reality, blending...more
A question for you: do you have an estate plan? Of course you do, everyone needs an estate plan. Second question: who is(are) the beneficiary(ies) of your estate plan? Someone you love and trust, I presume. Perhaps a spouse,...more
In a previous blog, I discussed the process of a parent obtaining a guardianship for their special needs child. This blog discusses why it is not a good idea to try to shortcut this process and to simply have your child sign...more
Healthcare providers often have a detailed policy outlining when a minor may consent to care and when a parent or legal guardian’s consent is needed. Situations can arise in the treatment of minors that can make administering...more
Blending families often introduce unique dynamics. In addition to the day-to-day challenges and opportunities that blended families create, there is also careful planning to consider when creating or updating an estate plan....more
The media is filled with stories of deceased celebrities whose final wishes were either unknown or the subject of dispute. An important lesson: You can retain control of your finances after incapacity and remain in control of...more
When the Supreme Court made its landmark decision in Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, same-sex couples across the country gained the right to marry. But with recent shifts in the legal landscape, such as the overturning of Roe...more
Frank Fritz, star of the History Channel show “American Pickers,” suffered a stroke, became incapacitated, and died on September 30, 2024, at age 60. Before he passed away, his friend, Chris Davis, became his legal guardian....more
It is fascinating when the types of cases we handle in our practice come to life in the media. Recently, former talk show host Wendy Williams has been the subject of media attention because she has a court-appointed...more
The Michigan Court of Appeals recently answered these questions. In re Guardianship of AMS, No 372183, 2025 WL 452248 (Mich Ct App Feb 10, 2025) (unpublished). AMS was married to Thomas, and she had two daughters, Theresa...more
In 2024, the Arizona legislature passed five new Arizona laws directly affecting behavioral health care in Arizona. These laws run the gamut between refining definitions, requiring peer specialist trainings, new requirements...more
Interested in trying to prepare your own estate plan? There are resources available to assist you, such as online services, computer software and how-to books. Do-it-yourself (DIY) estate planning may save you hundreds or...more
The Court of Appeals of New York answers the question of whether a plaintiff may bring a claim under Judiciary Law § 487 in a plenary action. Urias v. Daniel P. Buttafuoco & Assoc., PLLC, 41 NY3d 560, 563 (2024)....more
When minor children are addressed in an estate plan, special considerations are involved to ensure their well-being and financial security. Parents ought to make decisions about who they would prefer to serve as the guardian...more
Whether you’re a dog lover, a cat person, or a caretaker for another kind of feathered, scaly, or furry friend, pets are an important part of our lives. Yet when individuals are creating their estate plan, their pet’s future...more
Estate planning is a critical part of securing the future for any family, and for LGBTQ+ individuals, it is particularly important given the legal complexities and challenges that may arise in the current political climate....more
A financial power of attorney (POA) can be a critical component of your estate plan. It appoints a trusted representative (often called an agent) to make financial decisions on your behalf in the event you’re unable to do so....more
The Connecticut Parentage Act has introduced a new way for people to become legal parents in the state. A de facto parentage petition can now establish the same legal relationship between a child and the individual as its...more
Unintended consequences often occur without proper estate planning. This is common when minor children receive an inheritance. Since minors cannot possess assets directly, the inheritance must be held on behalf of the minor...more
In the UAE, custody of children following the divorce of Muslim parents is governed by Federal Law No. 28/2005 on Personal Status Law. A common concern for fathers is whether they can obtain custody after their ex-wives...more
Mental illness in the United States is more common than most people may think. More than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness and one in six U.S. youth aged 6 to 17 experience a mental health disorder each year....more
It is the start of a new year which means that it is a great time to update or refresh your estate plan. In Florida, planning for the future is a crucial step to ensure that your wishes are honored, and your loved ones are...more
The Prudent Investor Rule is a legal principal that requires fiduciaries to act in the best interests of a beneficiary and exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution when making investment decisions, which was codified in...more