News & Analysis as of

Harassment Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Race Discrimination


Littler Lightbulb: July Appellate Roundup

Littler on

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments in federal courts of appeal in the last month....more

Zelle  LLP

Employment Law Navigator – Week in Review: December 2016 #3

Zelle LLP on

Last week, the EEOC issued a publication on the rights of job applicants and employees with mental health conditions, along with a companion document addressing the mental health provider’s role in reasonable accommodations...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

Value Insights: Delivering Value in Labor and Employment Law survey

Proskauer's Labor and Employment Law Department released its Value Insights: Delivering Value in Labor and Employment Law survey, a resource that illuminates current practices and future trends in managing labor and...more

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