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Hiring & Firing Wildfires State Labor Laws

Hiring & Firing refers to the process of recruiting, interviewing and offering employment and the process of evaluating performance and dismissing employees. Hiring & Firing is a highly regulated area and... more +
Hiring & Firing refers to the process of recruiting, interviewing and offering employment and the process of evaluating performance and dismissing employees. Hiring & Firing is a highly regulated area and can create tremendous liability for employers who fail to properly adhere to acceptable employment practices. Some of the potential pitfalls in this area stem from discriminatory hiring practices, improper performance evaluations, and retaliatory firings.  less -
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

California Employers: Time-Sensitive Compliance Note for Hiring During Southern California Wildfires

The tragic fires in Southern California have touched many lives and impacted many businesses operating in California. Here, we want to alert employers of a notice requirement to newly hired nonexempt employees who will be...more

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

New California Employment Laws in 2022

The California Legislature passed and Governor Newsom signed several new or amended employment laws covering topics ranging from non-disparagement and separation agreements, the California Family Rights Act, and warehouse...more

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