News & Analysis as of

Hotels Workplace Safety Unions

Akerman LLP

Leisure Law Insider (Vol. 5) - Winter 2025

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Welcome to the fifth edition of The Leisure Law Insider! Released quarterly, we cover the latest news and developments in leisure and hospitality law, regulation, and policy. Expect content on hotels, franchising, labor and...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

The NYC Safe Hotels Act Creates More Challenges For Non-Union Hotels

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On November 4, 2024, Mayor Adams signed Intro 0991-2024, also known as the Safe Hotels Act. The Act will become effective 180 days after November 4th. Initially proposed at the NYC Assembly in July 2024, the Safe Hotels Act...more

Fisher Phillips

Hospitality Industry Braces for NYC’s Safe Hotels Act: Top Things Employers Need to Know About What Could Become a Nationwide...

Fisher Phillips on

New rules regulating hotels in NYC will likely take effect next May if Mayor Adams soon signs the Safe Hotels Act, which the City Council just passed by an overwhelming majority on October 23. NYC lawmakers are aiming to...more

Fisher Phillips

Workplace Law Forecast 2024 - Your workplace law recap for 2023 and predictions for 2024 to help you prepare for the coming year.

Fisher Phillips on

When I reflect on the relationship that our firm has with our clients, I’m most proud of the fact that you can always count on us. That often means defending complex litigation, steering you through regulatory threats,...more

Fisher Phillips

Top Workplace Law Stories You May Have Missed from May 2023

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It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there have been an unprecedented number of changes for the past few years — and this past...more

Fisher Phillips

What’s Next for Hotels And Restaurants: The 5 Things Hospitality Employers Can Expect Under The Biden Administration

Fisher Phillips on

The pandemic and government shutdowns/restrictions continue to have a devastating effect on hospitality employers after a catastrophic 2020. As the industry works to recover in 2021, it looks increasingly likely that...more

Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC

Unprecedented: COVID-19 Litigation Trends, Issue 15

This 15th edition of Unprecedented, our weekly update on COVID-19-related litigation, showcases new and evolving trends. This week we note how COVID-19 has accelerated a pre-existing trend toward class action litigation. And...more

Fisher Phillips

Man Bites Dog: Union Strikes and Publically Attacks Hotel Brand because of its Go Green Effort.

Fisher Phillips on

We regularly remind employers that third parties, such as unions, and social justice and environmental groups, will use safety as a club to embarrass and bring pressure on a company. Sometimes, these third parties use...more

Fisher Phillips

Update - Cal/OSHA Hotel Housekeeping Injury Standard Effective July 1, 2018

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As we reported in January, after nearly six years of discussion and debate, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board (Board) approved a standard on “Hotel Housekeeping Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention.” The final regulation was recently...more

Fisher Phillips

“Hands Off, Pants On” When Guests Sexually Harass Your Hotel Employees

Fisher Phillips on

In an April 2016 survey of 400 Chicago-area women working at hotels, nearly 50 percent indicated that they have had a guest answer the door naked, expose themselves, or were otherwise flashed. Worse yet, 1 in 10 said they had...more

Fisher Phillips

Your Comprehensive Guide to 2018 Proposed California Legislation

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February 16 was the deadline to introduce new bills in the California Legislature. By that date, nearly 2,200 bills were introduced. While that may seem like a staggering amount of legislative proposals (especially for a...more

Fisher Phillips

Weekly Roundup - February 10.

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If you are involved in safety or risk management, especially in construction, you recognize that struck-by accidents are almost always among the top three causes of employee deaths. What you may not appreciate is that most...more

Fisher Phillips

Howard’s End of the Week Roundup - January 21

Fisher Phillips on

I started these posts after my partner Travis Vance and I realized that our clients and Firm friends are eager for information in areas other than labor, OSHA, and employment law. A number of nationally renowned thought...more

Fisher Phillips

Cal/OSHA Proposes Hotel Housekeeping Injury Rule

Fisher Phillips on

After several years of discussion and debate, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board (Board) recently issued a proposed standard on “Hotel Housekeeping Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention.” The proposal currently is open for public...more


Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report - December 2016

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Littler's WPI Insider Report details key labor, employment, and benefits news and events at the federal, state, local, and global levels. The December edition of the Insider Report discusses recent efforts to block...more

Foster Garvey PC

Initiative I-124: Look Beyond the Title

Foster Garvey PC on

On Monday, July 25, 2016, the Seattle City Council unanimously voted to place Initiative 124 (“I-124”), entitled the “Seattle Hotel Employees Health and Safety Initiative,” on the November 2016 ballot. Many voters will likely...more

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