Health Reimbursement Arrangement Update
Podcast: Health Reimbursement Arrangements
Employees increasingly request (and expect) choice in their benefits. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released Private Letter Ruling 202434006 (PLR), which approved an employer's program allowing employees to...more
The IRS released Rev Proc 2024-25, 2024-22 IRB 1333, dated May 9, 2024, which outlines the inflation-adjusted contribution limits for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for the year 2025, as determined under Code Section 223....more
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced (see Revenue Procedure 2024-25) cost-of-living adjustments to the applicable dollar limits for health savings accounts (HSAs), high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) and...more
COVID-19 Testing Denial Serves as Basis for ERISA Litigation This month, a New Jersey district court allowed a provider’s ERISA claim for reimbursement against an insurer that refused to cover COVID-19 tests to continue....more
As employers and insurers continue to establish programs to enable participants in group health plans to receive at-home COVID-19 tests at no cost, even without a prescription, the Department of Labor (DOL) has issued...more
In response to the COVID-19 crisis, many employers have been faced with the difficult task of taking short-term measures to preserve long-term viability. Measures taken include layoffs, furloughs, reduced work schedules, and...more
On March 27, 2020, the President signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which addresses the public economic and health crisis related to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)....more
Hawaii Insurance Department Establishes TPA Application Requirements - Recently enacted Hawaii Senate Bill (SB) 1212 imposes extensive licensing and regulatory requirements on third party administrators (TPAs) operating in...more
Effective January 1, 2020, employers may put aside pre-tax funds into a health reimbursement arrangement (“HRA”) that can be used by an employee to pay for premiums and other out-of-pocket costs related to the purchase of an...more
The blood remaining in the umbilical cord after childbirth contains stems cells which may be used in a variety of medical treatments. Many parents of newborns are seeking to save this “cord blood”, either with the hopes of...more
The Internal Revenue Service recently updated Publication 969....more
The “Cadillac Tax” of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017. It imposes a 40% excise tax on any “excess benefit” provided to an employee. An excess benefit is the excess,...more
New regulations have been issued under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) implementing annual fees and reporting requirements on self-insured health plans and indirectly on fully insured plans. The...more
The Affordable Care Act establishes a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute as a private nonprofit corporation to assist patients, clinicians, purchasers and policy makers in making informed health decisions using...more
Laws Providing Leaves of Absence - Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - The FMLA, as relevant here, requires covered employers to provide eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave due to a serious...more