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Human Resources Professionals Social Media Sexual Harassment


Employment Law Update: Ninth Circuit Ruling Reminds Employers They May be Held Liable for Social Media Harassment

Whiteford on

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently ruled, in Okonowsky v. Garland, No. 23-55404, that an employer may be held liable for a Title VII hostile work environment claim based on harassing content posted on an...more

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

The Ninth Circuit Reminds Employers of Obligations When Addressing Social Media Posts Affecting Workplace

A recent Ninth Circuit decision clarifies employers’ obligations to address hostile work environment complaints arising out of employees' off-premises social media activity. In Okonowsky v. Garland (No. 23-55404; Jul. 25,...more

Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

EEOC Data Confirms #MeToo’s Impact: Six Keys for Employers in the Wake of This Powerful Cultural Moment

A 21st Century Social Movement - In this age of interconnectivity, compelling societal movements have a never-before-seen speed and reach. Traditional means of spreading information and generating social change have been...more

Mintz - Employment Viewpoints

March Grabness: Lessons from the (Basketball) Court: Avoiding Personal Fouls, Violations and Time Outs in the Workplace

Harassment has long been an Achilles’ heel of the workplace. Believe it or not, like the NCAA’s tournament TV ratings, the number of harassment-related lawsuits has held rather steady since the 1990s! And like most NCAA...more

Zelle  LLP

Employment Law Navigator – Week in Review: July 2016 #5

Zelle LLP on

Pokemon Go has taken the world by storm. Last week, several blogs discussed what employers can do to limit the effect of the game on the workplace. HR Morning advised looking at information technology and social media...more

Zelle  LLP

That is SO last week - October 2015 #2

Zelle LLP on

Last week, Fortune introduced us to a new HR tech product called Perception. According to Fortune, Perception creator Kanjoya claims that the program can interpret the “intent and emotions” behind written text and filter out...more

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