Greater Speed and Efficiency: Steps IP Offices Around the World Are Taking to Streamline the Patent Process
Corruption, Crime & Compliance - Episode 208 - A Deep Dive into the WPP FCPA SEC Settlement
Compliance Perspectives: Compliance Challenges in India
Global Growth: A Prime Opportunity for the Middle Market
Cross-Border Update on Investing and Doing Business in the United States
The Pepper Five: On U.S. – India Issues
Good morning! This is Akin’s newsletter on climate change policy and regulatory developments, providing information on major climate policy headlines from the past week and forthcoming climate-related events and hearings...more
Why Everything They Say About California Fires — Including That Climate Matters Most — is Wrong - "'We’ve looked at the history of climate and fire throughout the whole state, and through much of the state, particularly...more
Analysts Say U.S. Coal Merger Not Anti-Competitive- "The proposed 'extraordinary' joint venture between U.S. coal majors Peabody Energy and Arch Coal will be structurally beneficial, rather than anti-competitive for U.S....more
Trump to Sign Order Seeking to Clear Gas Pipeline Hurdles - "The administration, which is pushing a policy it calls energy dominance, has been considering an order that would push back against states, including New York,...more
In an Internal Memo, the White House Considered Whether to Simply 'Ignore' Federal Climate Research - "The document, drafted September 18 by Michael Catanzaro, President Trump's special assistant for domestic energy and...more
Drive for ANWR Oil Bonanza Could Prove to be a Bust for the Republicans' Budget - "Congressional Republicans counting on a $1 billion windfall from selling oil-drilling rights in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to help...more