Greater Speed and Efficiency: Steps IP Offices Around the World Are Taking to Streamline the Patent Process
Corruption, Crime & Compliance - Episode 208 - A Deep Dive into the WPP FCPA SEC Settlement
Compliance Perspectives: Compliance Challenges in India
Global Growth: A Prime Opportunity for the Middle Market
Cross-Border Update on Investing and Doing Business in the United States
The Pepper Five: On U.S. – India Issues
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a driving force behind global economic growth and development, acting as a lifeline of funding for nations around the world. Imagine a company from one corner of the globe setting up shop or...more
The global finance industry has been undergoing a significant shift in recent years, with investment patterns showing a slow but steady pivot towards Low Income, Lower Middle Income, and Upper Middle Income nations, as...more
Now in its seventh year of annual publication, White & Case's Foreign Direct Investment Reviews provides a comprehensive look into rapidly evolving foreign direct investment (FDI) laws and regulations in approximately 40...more
The amendments may cause some uncertainty and anxiety for U.S. investors as they consider how these changes will impact business, income, profitability and the benefits or drawbacks of investing in India through Mauritius....more