Greater Speed and Efficiency: Steps IP Offices Around the World Are Taking to Streamline the Patent Process
Corruption, Crime & Compliance - Episode 208 - A Deep Dive into the WPP FCPA SEC Settlement
Compliance Perspectives: Compliance Challenges in India
Global Growth: A Prime Opportunity for the Middle Market
Cross-Border Update on Investing and Doing Business in the United States
The Pepper Five: On U.S. – India Issues
I. INDIA’S HISTORY WITH BILATERAL INVESTMENT TREATIES 1. Bilateral investment treaties (“BITs”) are agreements between countries that provide protections to investors from one state investing in the other (the “host...more
Recent developments in Nigeria, India and China highlight the relentless global rise of third-party funding ("TPF"). These developments emphasise how TPF is now an integral part of arbitration proceedings across the world. We...more