Injunctions for All – Speaking of Litigation Podcast
The Labor Law Insider: NLRB Adopts Pro-Labor Remedies for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices, Part III
#WorkforceWednesday: New COVID-19 Testing Guidance, NLRB Increases Use of Injunctive Relief, D.C. Amends Near-Universal Ban on Non-Competes - Employment Law This Week®
The Labor Law Insider: NLRB Adopts Pro-Labor Remedies for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices, Part II
The Labor Law Insider: NLRB Adopts Pro-Labor Remedies for Alleged Unfair Labor Practices
JONES DAY TALKS®: Consumer Protection Enforcement Changes Likely After SCOTUS AMG Decision
Key Takeaways from the AMG Capital Management v. FTC Decision
#WorkforceWednesday: New AB5 Exemptions, EEOC COVID-19 Updates, Joint-Employer Rule Partially Struck Down - Employment Law This Week®
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals - Gray TV v. FCC - license, forfeiture, owning top stations in market - Liberty Surplus v. Kaufman - insurance, Fla law, course of construction exclusion, settlement proposal - ...more
U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals - Wilson v. Hearos - removal by nonparty, service of process, Ga law - USA v. Lemus - Maritime Drug Law Enforcement Act, constitutional challenges...more
The Ohio Seventh District Court of Appeals recently delivered its opinion in Triad Hunter, LLC v. Eagle Natrium, LLC, affirming significant jury awards for Triad Hunter, a natural gas producer, in a dispute over brine cavern...more
Ninth Circuit Does Flip Turn, Reversing Antitrust Case Against World Aquatics - In a decision that is making waves through the world of competitive swimming, the Ninth Circuit reversed a California district court’s grant...more
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has vacated an Arizona federal court’s decision denying a request by several western states to enjoin President Joe Biden’s executive order increasing the minimum hourly wage...more
In a recent case the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal has refused to grant leave to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in respect of an injunction ordered in support of a foreign arbitration....more
The Roundup is a monthly publication that covers the previous month’s notable class action decisions from federal appellate courts, as well as notable Supreme Court cert petitions related to class actions....more
In December 2022, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued two important opinions regarding guardianships in Michigan. The first case, In re Guardianship of Roberta More Asplund, had to do with guardianship of an incapacitated...more
Legal Alert for Community Associations: Community associations should take notice that Virginia recently became the final state to allow civil litigants a right to appeal a circuit court ruling. ...more
The United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit (“Eighth Circuit”) addressed in an August 20th Opinion whether a federal court had the authority to order injunctive relief for past violations of the Clean Air Act....more
Key Points: The Western District of the Missouri Court of Appeals upheld a narrow portion of section 110.010.B.4(a) of the University of Missouri System Rules and Regulations that prohibits employees or students from...more
The insured was sued in an underlying action seeking damages and injunctive relief for alleged trademark infringement. The insured tendered the action to its CGL insurer which disclaimed. The insured settled the underlying...more
Over the last year, since the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have continued to report on how the courts have handled efforts by lenders to address pandemic-related defaults, including by means of Uniform Commercial...more
Construction contracts often include arbitration provisions that require any dispute arising out of a project be resolved through binding arbitration. But who decides whether such a dispute is subject to the arbitration...more
The Florida Second District Court of Appeal (“Court”), in an Opinion published on February 26, 2021, addressed an issue involving the right of a riparian to build a structure over adjacent submerged lands under different...more
State AGs in the News- Alaska Governor Nominates Acting Attorney General to Be Attorney General- •Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy nominated acting Alaska AG Clyde “Ed” Sniffen for the AG position. The nomination must be...more
At Federal Circuitry, sometimes we have simple ideas that prove not so simple. What we expect will be a few hours of data collection, number crunching, and analysis actually turns into far more work. This post is one of those...more
On June 28, 2019, the Ninth Circuit held in three separate cases that the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) does not preempt the California Supreme Court’s holding in McGill v. Citibank, N.A., 2 Cal.5th 945 (2017) — otherwise...more