Cannabis Law Now Podcast: Cannabis Investing in the U.S. - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Business Better Podcast Episode: Investing in Consumer Brands – A Conversation with SBJ Capital
Podcast: ESMA Report: Undue Pressure on Companies
FCPA Compliance Report-Episode 330 Robin Bew and Henry Stoever of the NACD
FCPA Compliance Report-Episode 328, Chris McNett on State Street Global Advisors' ESG Institutional Investor Survey
Net Asset Value (NAV)-based financing facilities (“NAV Facilities”) continue to proliferate in private equity. In response, the Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) released comprehensive new guidance making the...more
In a new paper, Alternative Venture Capital: The New Unicorn Investors, professor Anat Alon-Beck explores the rise of alternative venture capital (AVC) investors and the ways in which these investors are affecting unicorn...more