News & Analysis as of

Insurance Industry Bad Faith Liability

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Sometimes, Insurers Want To Settle!

This summary of a recently filed complaint illustrates one of the worst-case scenarios an insured defendant can find itself in: getting slapped with a verdict in excess of your liability insurance limits.  Here, it was an $11...more

Rivkin Radler LLP

New York Insurance Coverage Law Update — Compilation 2024

Rivkin Radler LLP on

An owner, general contractor (GC) and subcontractor (Sub) were sued by injured workers at a construction site, and they were defended by the Sub’s insurer, U.S. Specialty Insurance Company. U.S. Specialty tendered their...more

Akerman LLP

Abracadabra – How a Stalking Bill Magically Turned into Revisions to a Georgia Settlement Statute

Akerman LLP on

In Georgia’s recent Legislative Session, Senate Bill 83 started off addressing the eligibility for restraining orders related to stalking, but there must have been some magic pixie dust floating around the House Committee...more

Marshall Dennehey

Pa. Supreme Court Evaluates Constitutional Parameters of a Jury’s Punitive Damage Award

Marshall Dennehey on

While it is well known that an insured has a clear and convincing standard of proving bad faith in order to recover such damages, it is lesser recognized that an insured does not have to prove outrageous conduct or evil...more

Rumberger | Kirk

Florida’s Most Comprehensive Tort Reform in Decades and What it Means for Insurers and Bad Faith Law

Rumberger | Kirk on

This morning Governor Ron DeSantis signed the reforms compiled in Senate Bill 236 and House Bill 837 (“HB 837”). Some of the key aims of HB 837 with respect to insurance include decreasing frivolous lawsuits, altering...more

Maynard Nexsen

Insurer Must Assume Defense to be Liable for Failure to Settle Under Tyger River Doctrine

Maynard Nexsen on

Recently, the United States District Court in South Carolina, 2019 WL 689545, dismissed a claim seeking a declaratory judgment that an insurer failed to settle an underlying tort claim. Briefly, plaintiff Church Creek...more

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