News & Analysis as of

Insurance Industry Building Codes

Brooks Pierce

Key Deadlines for Businesses Recovering from Hurricane Helene

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With year-end nearing, this client alert summarizes the extension of important deadlines and rebuild considerations for businesses recovering from Hurricane Helene....more

J.S. Held

A Comprehensive Guide to Substantial Structural Damage: Criteria, Repairs, and Code Compliance

J.S. Held on

Introduction: Substantial Structural Damage and Its Impact on Building Repairs - Substantial structural damage (SSD) is a defined term within the International Code Council (ICC) building code library, which assesses the...more

J.S. Held

Understanding Scaffold Failures: Causes & Prevention

J.S. Held on

INTRODUCTION: OVERVIEW OF SCAFFOLD COLLAPSES & FAILURES - A scaffold is a simple and temporary structure, erected to facilitate the construction or remediation of a main structure, but it may not be given the attention in...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

Risk Reduction Strategies for Construction Contractors in North Carolina

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

Today's construction environment demands a lot from contractors who are pulled in multiple directions and whose responsibilities may seem limitless. Beyond performing good work, managing and effectively communicating...more

Bilzin Sumberg

Will Construction Insurance Costs Kill Florida’s Real Estate Boom?

Bilzin Sumberg on

The cost of construction insurance in Florida is having developers second-guess their willingness to invest in the Sunshine State, while business leaders are growing concerned that higher insurance costs may slow Florida’s...more

Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP

A Primer on Florida's "25 Percent Rule" for Roof Repair/Replacement

The 2014 Florida Existing Building Code (the “Code”) contains what is conventionally called the “25 percent rule” (the “Rule”). The Rule applies to roof repair of any commercial or residential building. In a nutshell, the...more

Cozen O'Connor

Coverage to Rebuild a Foundation to Comply with Changed Building Codes Following a Fire are Subject to Code-Upgrade Endorsement’s...

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Does the efficient proximate cause rule serve to afford coverage for the additional costs to rebuild the foundation of a home in compliance with changed building code requirements beyond the sublimit of liability of an...more

Carlton Fields

NY Appellate Court Rules “Blanket Ordinance or Law Coverage” not as Blanket as Insured Hoped

Carlton Fields on

In 1947, some Bedouin shepherd boys were tending their sheep and goats near the ancient settlement of Qumran, near the Dead Sea. One of the boys threw a rock into an opening on the side of a cliff and heard something break. ...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Title Insurance for Building Code Violations

Bennett Jones LLP on

When most lenders, owners and lawyers think of title insurance, they (quite rightly) think of insurance that covers risks associated with title matters. The answer is in the name, as it were....more

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