The Standard Formula Podcast | Unpacking the IAIS’ Adoption of the Insurance Capital Standard
AI Talk With Juliana Neelbauer - Episode Three - Cybersecurity Insurance: Coverage Challenges and Changes
AGG Talks: Healthcare Insights Podcast - Episode 7: National MultiPlan Litigation: A Guide for Healthcare Providers
Loading and Unloading Under GL and Auto Policies: 2024
The Duty to Cooperate Under a Liability Policy
AI Talk With Juliana Neelbauer - Episode Two - Cybersecurity Insurance: The New Frontier of Risk Management
On-Demand Webinar: Bring Predictability to the Spiraling Cost of Cyber Incident Response Data Mining
The Standard Formula Podcast | The SFCR and Other Public Reporting: A Solvency II Cornerstone
The Standard Formula Podcast | Insurers in Difficulty: Staying Compliant Under Solvency II
Flood Basics still causing pain for some
The Standard Formula Podcast | Using an Internal Model to Calculate the Solvency Capital Requirement
The Standard Formula Podcast | Dissecting the Solvency Capital Requirement
Best Practices for Negotiating Manuscript Exclusions
AGG Talks: Healthcare Insights - Episode 1: A Primer for Providers When Insurance Companies Refuse to Pay
The Standard Formula Podcast | Solvency II Back to Basics: Technical Provisions
D&O Insurance Myths (Part 2)
Hinshaw Insurance Law TV | Bad Faith Law
The Standard Formula Podcast | Investment Rules for Insurers and Reinsurers
D&O Insurance Myths (Part 1)
The Standard Formula Podcast | Understanding the UK’s Matching Adjustment Regime
One of the best things about fund finance is that there is always something new and exciting happening in our space. New players come online, and new products and solutions solve issues that pave the way for fund borrowers to...more
As we previously reported a year ago, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) adopted amendments to the Credit for Reinsurance Model Law (#785) and Credit for Reinsurance Model Regulation (#786) to...more
We recently posted a Special Focus article on a hearing held by the NAIC’s Reinsurance Task Force concerning the implementation of the reduced collateral for reinsurance provisions of the Covered Agreement between the U.S....more
In a much anticipated public hearing, The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (“NAIC”) discussed how U.S. states should address the elimination of reinsurance collateral requirements for EU reinsurers of U.S....more
On November 7, 2017, the Commissioner of Insurance for the State of Wisconsin issued an order approving a new rule to be added to Section Ins. Ch. 52, Wis. Adm. Code. The rule is intended to modernize Wisconsin’s credit for...more
This past summer, the Texas legislature passed and the Governor signed a law that allows Texas insurers to negotiate reinsurance contracts with foreign reinsurers that do not require 100% collateral before the insurer can...more
When a lender makes a loan secured by personal property, it will perfect its interest in the collateral under applicable law. To further protect the value of the collateral supporting its loan, the lender will also require...more
When purchasing, or considering the purchase of, large deductible (LD) workers’ compensation, auto, and other policies, insurance companies often require the policyholder to post collateral to secure the risk. This collateral...more