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Mayer Brown

Brasília em Pauta – Edição Nº 188

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PAUTAS: STF – CONTROLE CONCENTRADO E REPERCUSSÃO GERAL | STJ – REPETITIVOS | TCU – PLENÁRIO | CÂMARA DOS DEPUTADOS | SENADO FEDERAL - Prezados e prezadas, O - “Brasília em Pauta” é um boletim semanal preparado pela...more

K&L Gates LLP

Brussels Regulatory Brief: Winter 2023-2024

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Antitrust and Competition - The European Court of Justice Held Rules Set by Sports Governing Bodies Must Comply With EU Competition Law - On 21 December 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) held in a preliminary ruling...more

White & Case LLP

Broadened scope of Critical Infrastructure Regulation will increase FDI screening in Germany

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On 1 January 2022, the second amendment to the German Regulation for Critical Infrastructure ("Critical Infrastructure Regulation"/BSI-KritisV) entered into force. It will broaden the definition of Critical Infrastructures,...more

Holland & Knight LLP

The Financial Sector and Government Contractors in the Environmental Bull's-Eye

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The Biden Administration on May 20, 2021, issued its latest and long-awaited Executive Order (EO) on climate-related financial risk. This EO reflects how the administration is continuing to take a "whole of government"...more

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