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Insurance Industry Insurance Acts Corporate Governance


Proposed Enhancements to Bermuda's Group Supervision Framework

Conyers on

On 4 December 2024, the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) issued its consultation paper entitled “Proposed Enhancements to the Insurance Group Supervision Framework,” outlining regulatory updates to strengthen the BMA’s...more


New Regulatory Policy on Recognition and Approval of an Actuary

Conyers on

In October 2024, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) issued an updated Regulatory Policy on the Recognition and Approval of an Actuary (the “Policy”), setting out its minimum criteria and process for determining...more


Portfolio Insurance Companies and the Updated Beneficial Ownership Regime

Conyers on

The Beneficial Ownership Transparency Act, 2023 (the “BOT Act”), Beneficial Ownership Transparency Regulations, 2024 (the “BOT Regulations”) and the Guidance on Complying with Beneficial Ownership Obligations in the Cayman...more

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