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Insurance Industry Online Platforms

Zelle  LLP

AI Update: AI and Insurance - Predictions for 2025

Zelle LLP on

As set forth in the prior articles in the AI Update column of the Lonestar Lowdown, the insurance industry has adopted and implemented Artificial Intelligence in numerous ways. As this trend continues, Insurance Newsnet has...more

K&L Gates LLP

Brussels Regulatory Brief: Winter 2023-2024

K&L Gates LLP on

Antitrust and Competition - The European Court of Justice Held Rules Set by Sports Governing Bodies Must Comply With EU Competition Law - On 21 December 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) held in a preliminary ruling...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Florida End of Session Update

The 2021 regular legislative session ended Friday, April 30th. Lawmakers took up and passed a wide range of bills during this 60-day session. Two weeks later, legislators reconvened for a special session on gaming, ending...more

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Privacy & Cybersecurity Update - July 2020

In this month's edition, we examine the Court of Justice of the European Union's decision invalidating the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework, as well as the U.S. government's response to the decision. We also examine two...more

Zelle  LLP

Sharing Economy Brings New Opportunities for Insurers

Zelle LLP on

The “sharing economy” is a marketplace that uses online platforms to connect the supply and demand of underutilized assets or services. The term encompasses peer-to-peer (e.g., Uber, AirBnb and TaskRabbit),...more

Hogan Lovells

The Polish regulator’s position on insurance companies publishing their standard contracts on their websites

Hogan Lovells on

Based on the new regulation in the Polish insurance market that entered into force on 1 January 2016, the general terms and conditions of insurance (“GTC“) as well as other standard contracts must be published by insurers on...more

Hogan Lovells

UK: FCA General Insurance and Protection Sector Views 2017

Hogan Lovells on

The FCA has outlined the current trends, risks and its overall assessment of the General Insurance sector in its 2017 Sector Views, published last week.  ...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Announces New Online Complaint Form

Ballard Spahr LLP on

The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) has announced the launch of a finalized version of its online portal to assist Michigan consumers with the filing of electronic complaints. DIFS' Office of...more

Carlton Fields

A New Domain Name Option for the Insurance Industry

Carlton Fields on

Global insurance industry members have a new online tool—the “.insurance” domain name extension. This generic top level domain (gTLD), governed by insurance industry and security experts, is reserved solely for verified...more


When a Published Data Breach is a Covered Data Breach

BakerHostetler on

Can an inadvertent Internet posting of a patient’s medical information trigger insurance coverage for liability stemming from a data-breach class action? The Fourth Circuit held last week that it can, and it added to the...more

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