The Standard Formula Podcast | Unpacking the IAIS’ Adoption of the Insurance Capital Standard
AI Talk With Juliana Neelbauer - Episode Three - Cybersecurity Insurance: Coverage Challenges and Changes
AGG Talks: Healthcare Insights Podcast - Episode 7: National MultiPlan Litigation: A Guide for Healthcare Providers
Loading and Unloading Under GL and Auto Policies: 2024
The Duty to Cooperate Under a Liability Policy
AI Talk With Juliana Neelbauer - Episode Two - Cybersecurity Insurance: The New Frontier of Risk Management
On-Demand Webinar: Bring Predictability to the Spiraling Cost of Cyber Incident Response Data Mining
The Standard Formula Podcast | The SFCR and Other Public Reporting: A Solvency II Cornerstone
The Standard Formula Podcast | Insurers in Difficulty: Staying Compliant Under Solvency II
Flood Basics still causing pain for some
The Standard Formula Podcast | Using an Internal Model to Calculate the Solvency Capital Requirement
The Standard Formula Podcast | Dissecting the Solvency Capital Requirement
Best Practices for Negotiating Manuscript Exclusions
AGG Talks: Healthcare Insights - Episode 1: A Primer for Providers When Insurance Companies Refuse to Pay
The Standard Formula Podcast | Solvency II Back to Basics: Technical Provisions
D&O Insurance Myths (Part 2)
Hinshaw Insurance Law TV | Bad Faith Law
The Standard Formula Podcast | Investment Rules for Insurers and Reinsurers
D&O Insurance Myths (Part 1)
The Standard Formula Podcast | Understanding the UK’s Matching Adjustment Regime
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Live Life Bella Vita, LLC v. Cruising Yachts, Inc., -- F.4th --, 2024 WL 4163709 (9th Cir. 2024) found that claimants seeking indemnification or contribution are additional claimants to a...more
In the early morning of March 26, the Singapore-registered container ship MV Dali, after losing power, collided with a main pier of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that spans the Patapsco River and the outer Baltimore Port in...more
Yemeni-based Houthi forces have attacked more than two dozen vessels transiting the Red Sea since the October 7, 2023, start of the current Israel-Hamas conflict, leading to a surge in marine war insurance premiums. Houthi...more
When you go out for a day on the water, the last thing you expect is to end the day dealing with the aftermath of a boating accident. But, these accidents happen far more often than they should, and many boat captains and...more
Proving liability after a boating accident is critical when seeking just compensation for your losses. To file a claim, you need to know who (or what company) is responsible—and you need to be able to prove it to the...more
Subrogation professionals are often vexed by the Limitation of Liability Act. In addition to inverting the usual plaintiff/defendant positions in litigation, and carrying a shortened deadline to file claims, this federal law,...more
Background - In recent years, one of the emerging financing methods for public and private vessel owners has been private placements of debt securities, wherein a company usually owning multiple vessels will sell...more
The law governing marine insurance in the United States has long been a source of considerable confusion. And if there was once a clear set of principles applicable in such cases, the Supreme Court long ago muddied the waters...more
There has been a substantial rise in the number of boaters out on the water. The massive spike in recreational boating has been attributed to the pandemic, as so many Americans were looking for something different to do...more
Boating accidents are unfortunately an all-too-common occurrence in the United States. To illustrate how widespread this issue is, consider that according to the U.S. Coast Guard’s 2020 Recreational Boating Statistics Report...more
As the summer kicks off, many people are getting out on the Delaware waterways and oceanfront in kayaks, jetskis, speedboats, and other personal watercraft. With increased activity on the water, there are inevitably more...more
The Delaware waterways are a popular destination for boating, jet-skiing, paddle boarding, water-skiing, and other recreational activities. As the summer approaches, many people are looking forward to getting out on the water...more
1. What is the first thing you must do after a boating accident? If you have had a boating accident, you must first take care of the health and safety of the people involved. Ensure everyone is safely on the boat if it is...more
Much of the world’s focus is on the COVID-19 pandemic, and rightfully so, but sanctions regulators also have their gazes fixed on another issue: the maritime industry. On May 14 2020, we saw the U.S. Departments of State and...more
In Navigators Insurance v Atlasnavios Navegacao [2018] UKSC 26, the Supreme Court was asked to consider whether the smuggling of cocaine on a vessel, unknown to the owners or crew, constituted a ‘person acting maliciously’ in...more
QBE Seguros brought a successful action declaring a marine insurance policy was void ab initio under the doctrine of uberrimae fidei and the breach of the warranty of truthfulness in the application for insurance....more
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York recently issued a decision finding that a shipowner member was bound to a P&I Club’s board of directors’ decision to deny coverage for that member’s losses arising...more
A pair of recent Fifth Circuit cases, In Re Larry Doiron, Inc., 849 F.3d 602 (5th Cir. Feb. 23, 2017, rev’d Mar. 7, 2017) and Richard v. Anadarko Petroleum Corp., No. 16-30216 — F.3d —-, 2017 WL 835187 (5th Cir. Mar. 2, 2017)...more
While much remains to be determined, the recent easing of U.S. restrictions on travel to and trade with Cuba may bring opportunities for U.S. and global insurance companies. However, many questions and obstacles remain. This...more
In a twist on the old adage, “bad facts make bad law”, the Second Circuit’s recent decision in Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company v. Great American Insurance Company of New York, Civil Action No. 14-1346-cv, 2016 WL 2943139 (2d...more
As if to provide a not-too-subtle reminder to insurers of the applicability of U.S. trade sanctions to their businesses, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) announced on August 6, that a New...more
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced that Navigators Insurance Company, which is headquartered in New York and specializes in marine insurance and related lines of business,...more
In prior proceedings, Glory Wealth obtained an England arbitration award against Industrial Carriers, Inc. (ICI) and a confirmation of the award in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York....more