Insurtech Briefly Podcast: Licensing, Google and Lead Gens
A new bill was introduced in the New York State Senate last week in an attempt to address recent changes made to the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), which effective April 1, 2025, will allow only a...more
Our International Tax Transparency Update will cover DAC6, the UK’s Trust Registration Service and other global registration requirements that may be relevant for businesses. The importance of these requirements cannot be...more
Since 2014, many private company mergers and acquisitions intermediaries have chosen not to register as broker-dealers. That’s because a 2014 SEC no-action letter took the position that intermediaries that limited their...more
On October 30, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted final rules in the form of Regulation Crowdfunding to implement the securities-based crowdfunding exemption in Section 4(a)(6) of the Securities Act...more
In a proceeding on September 28th, the SEC ordered a public hearing to be held before an Administrative Law Judge within the next two months. Further, the SEC ordered the Respondent and two companies under his control, to...more