Supply Chain Labor Risk
Fintech Focus Podcast | Managing a Workforce in a Regulated Environment
Exploring Employment Law Across Borders: Italy vs. US With White Lotus — Hiring to Firing Podcast
Fintech Focus Podcast | Growing a Workforce in a Regulated Environment
AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business Podcast - What Foreign Investors Need to Know About U.S. Independent Contractor Laws
AGG Talks: Cross-Border Business Podcast - Episode 13: Tips and Tricks for Foreign Investors Employing U.S. Personnel
New Global Workplace
Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 67: Armin Lange, Grundwerk Legal | Germany
Compliance Perspectives: The EU Whistleblower Directive
Dr. John A.C. Cartner Discusses the Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention on its First Anniversary
Meritas Capability Webinar - Doing Business in Canada
During its plenary session on May 8 this year, the Chamber of Representatives in Belgium adopted a legislative proposal regulating private investigations. The purpose of this new law is to review the existing legal framework...more
On March 26, 2024, the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE) published a final report on its investigation into allegations that a Canadian mining company, Dynasty Gold Corporation (Dynasty), operating in...more
Bereits seit dem 1. August 2022 gilt das „neue“ Nachweisgesetz („NachwG“), das die Arbeitgeber u.a. dazu verpflichtet, ihren Mitarbeitern eine schriftliche (= mit Originalunterschrift versehene) Niederschrift über die...more
The oversight obligations of boards continue to expand. Recent enforcement actions and new laws in areas such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and supply chains create new challenges for boards, as we explain in this...more
1. Introduction - In principle any national citizen or foreign national is allowed to establish a business in Austria. A company is defined as a partnership of at least two persons (exceptions for limited liability...more
ESG KPIs may be an opportunity for employers to boost their competitive advantage vis-à-vis both customers and employees. While ESG-based bonus plans and benefits packages are now commonly used in several industries, many...more
Ведення підприємницької діяльності в Польщі регулюється так само, як і в інших країнах Європейського Союзу. Це дає змогу вести економічну діяльність підприємствам різних правових форм і на різних засадах, тобто вільно...more
La réglementation applicable aux activités commerciales en Pologne est la même que dans les autres pays de l’Union européenne. Elle permet aux entreprises d’exercer sous diverses formes juridiques et sur différentes bases,...more
Doing business in Poland is regulated in the same way as in other European Union countries. It allows business activities to be conducted in various legal forms and on various bases including the freedom of services, and the...more
Recent evidence suggests that progress towards gender parity has slowed and that the gender gap has in fact widened since the pandemic. This article highlights some key legal developments in the UK and Europe that are...more
In principle any national citizen or foreign national is allowed to establish a business in Austria. A company is defined as a partnership of at least two persons (exceptions for limited liability companies and joint-stock...more
This year has seen a number of international and regional legislative efforts imposing human rights due diligence and transparency obligations on multinational employers. ...more
A new EU Directive, known as the "EU Whistleblowing Directive", that aims to enhance the enforcement of EU law and policies by providing protection for individuals that report breaches has been published in the Official...more
Since it was established in 2014, a United Nations Inter-Governmental Working Group (“IGWG”) has met annually to develop a multilateral treaty to attempt to hold businesses legally accountable for harms that may be related to...more
Human rights issues increasingly require the assistance of experienced counsel who can help employers navigate very fluid and complex legal, business and societal considerations. ...more
Global Disputes - JCAA Establishes New "Interactive Arbitration Rules" Effective January 1, 2019, the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association ("JCAA") modified the choices of rules available to the parties to an...more
We are pleased to announce the launch of our UK Employment Flash, covering the latest employment law developments, news and insights from the U.K. Our inaugural issue includes commentary on the U.K. government's proposed...more
1. Introduction - In Austria, any national citizen or foreign national is, in principle, allowed to establish a business. A company is defined as a partnership of at least two persons (exceptions for limited liability...more