If your business holds a U.S. security clearance — or is in the process of applying for one — take note of two big changes at the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). First, after more than 25 years, the...more
On May 1, 2019, a group of California agencies and municipalities filed a petition for writ of mandate and complaint for mandatory relief challenging the State Wetlands Definition and Procedures for Discharges of Dredge and...more
The Senate Bill 1266-imposed deadline for joint powers agencies and joint powers authorities to file their joint powers agreements and any amendments with the LAFCO in each applicable county is approaching. JPAs formed prior...more
This client alert discusses some of the more significant changes that could affect issuers and borrowers in connection with awards of volume cap if the proposed regulations were adopted in their current form. The...more
Failure to file will preclude JPAs from issuing bonds or incurring indebtedness - Gov. Jerry Brown recently signed into law Senate Bill 1266, which will require joint powers agencies and joint powers authorities that...more
Joint Powers Authorities are legally created entities that allow two or more public agencies to jointly exercise common powers. Forming such entities may not only provide a creative approach to the provision of public...more