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Judicial Dissolution Business Divorce Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Top 10 Business Divorce Cases of 2024

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Welcome to our 17th annual edition of the Top 10 business divorce cases featured on this blog over the past year. This year’s selections buck the trend of previous years in which cases involving limited liability...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Greetings from the American Bar Association’s 2024 LLC Institute

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The limited liability company is relatively young.  Though origin research is always a dubious task, my efforts tell me that the first LLC was created in 1977 in Wyoming, followed by other LLCs in Florida in 1982.  The years...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Appellate Division Construes LLC Law 608 as Giving Voting Rights to a Deceased Member’s Estate

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It wasn’t long ago that my partner, Peter Sluka, posted about the Andris case where the Appellate Division, Second Department, reinstated an LLC judicial dissolution proceeding brought by the estate of a deceased member. ...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Did Chancery Court Just Crack Open the Door to Equitable Dissolution of LLCs?

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Delaware Chancery Court’s contractarian approach to all things LLC, embedded statutorily in Section 18-1101(b) of the Delaware LLC Act (“It is the policy of this chapter to give the maximum effect to the principle of freedom...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

It Takes More Than a Litigation Tsunami Between Hostile Members to Obtain Judicial Dissolution of a Realty-Holding LLC

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Count ’em: At the time A sued B for judicial dissolution of one of their several jointly owned companies, there are not one, not two, not three, but eight pending lawsuits between the two 50/50 business partners who first...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Parallel Business and Matrimonial Divorce Proceedings

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Parallel business divorce proceedings in the same or different courts alleging overlapping or duplicative claims are common. When it occurs, judges must often determine whether to dispose of one so the other may proceed...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Top 10 Business Divorce Cases of 2023

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Some years are easier than others to select the most significant business divorce cases. In this, the 16th year I’ve published this top-10 list, the task is made especially difficult by a veritable flood of court decisions...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

New York LLC Caselaw’s Greatest Hits

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I recently had the privilege of speaking to an audience of judges of the New York Supreme Court Commercial Division at Fordham Law School’s Eileen Bransten Institute on Complex Commercial Litigation. Naturally, the topic was...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

The Magnolia State Wins the Prize for Novel Alternative Remedies in LLC Dissolution Cases

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New York courts are not in the vanguard when it comes to devising less drastic, alternative remedies in LLC judicial dissolution cases. In their defense, there’s nothing in Article 7 of New York’s LLC Law that expressly...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Take the Business Divorce Pop Quiz!

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It’s been many years since our last pop quiz for all you business divorce aficionados. Time for another. See how many you get right before you read the answers...more

Robson & Robson, P.C.

Waiving Judicial Dissolution in Pennsylvania: Not Happening, But That May Be Okay.

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When two or more people become owners of a limited liability company and embody their relationship in an operating agreement, they usually see sunshine and rainbows in their future. They have an idea, they have a corporate...more

Robson & Robson, P.C.

Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing

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In Pennsylvania, Manufactured Deadlocks are Unlikely to Trigger Judicial Dissolution - In disputes among the owners of a closely held company, involuntary judicial dissolution is the nuclear option....more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Has the Time Come for New York to Follow Delaware and Officially Pronounce Deadlock as Ground for LLC Dissolution?

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Since its legislative birthing in New York in 1994, the limited liability company has become the preferred choice of entity New York and across the country. Over the ensuing 15 years or so, New York’s lower courts struggled...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Top 10 Business Divorce Cases of 2022

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I’m delighted to present our 15th annual list of the past year’s ten most significant business divorce cases. This year’s list includes decisions by New York’s trial and appellate courts concerning a smorgasbord of...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

And a Time to Every Purpose Under . . . the Operating Agreement?

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It’s a bit of a stretch to suggest that King Solomon prophesied the standard for judicial dissolution of LLCs, but there it is: under New York’s judicially construed standard for involuntary dissolution under Section 702 of...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Contrived LLC Deadlock Doesn’t Cut the Delaware Dissolution Mustard

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The statutes authorizing judicial dissolution of Delaware LLCs (LLC Act § 18-802) and New York LLCs (LLC Law § 702) essentially are the same: the petitioner must show that it is no longer “reasonably practicable” to carry on...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Anti-Dissolution Provisions and Public Policy

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In Congel v Malfitano, New York’s highest court wrote that business partners are free to include in partnership contracts practically “any agreement they wish,” including about “the means by which a partnership will dissolve,...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

The Skinny on Arbitrability of Judicial Dissolution Claims

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Are claims for judicial dissolution of business entities arbitrable? - It’s a question I’m occasionally asked by business owners and, surprisingly, by lawyers. I say surprisingly because here in New York, the courts long...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

The Nutmeg State Out Front on Member Inspection Rights Under RULLCA

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For the second time in two years, the Connecticut Supreme Court has ventured into uncharted waters of LLC governance under the Revised Uniform LLC Act which, to date, has been adopted by 22 states and awaits legislative...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Disguised Agreements and Dissolution

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Appearances can be deceiving. - That, essentially, was the argument made in two recently decided cases involving claims for judicial dissolution. ...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Delaware Declines Subject Matter Jurisdiction Over Judicial Dissolution of Foreign Entities

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It’s not surprising that Vice Chancellor Zurn’s recent, first-impression decision in In re Coinmint, LLC, aligning itself with rulings in many other states including New York, found that Delaware courts lack subject matter...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Summer Shorts: Business Divorce Cases From Across the Country

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Welcome to this 11th annual edition of Summer Shorts! This year’s edition features brief commentary on half a dozen business divorce cases of interest from across the country. ...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Judicial Dissolution of LLCs Under RULLCA: Iowa Supreme Court Takes the Stage

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Iowa was one of the first states to adopt the 2006 Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act.  As of this year, 21 others have done so not including New York which continues to limp along with its creaky LLC Law enacted...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Holes in Shotgun Buy-Sell Agreement Keep Deadlock Dissolution Petition Alive

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Under both New York and Delaware law, members of an LLC may petition for judicial dissolution on the grounds that the management is so hopelessly deadlocked that the LLC can no longer function in accordance with its purpose...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

The Money’s There But Out of Reach for the Minority LLC Member

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Of late I’ve been ruminating on New York’s membership in the shrinking pool of states that don’t recognize oppression of an LLC minority member by the controlling members or managers as ground for judicial dissolution....more

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