New DOJ whistleblower incentives. Investigation-related KPIs. Accountability demands from stakeholders of all stripes. A combination of hard work by ethics and compliance professionals, high profile internal system...more
In the modern corporate environment, compliance must transcend its traditional role as a set of rules and regulations. Instead, it should be reimagined as a product—something employees actively choose to engage with daily....more
The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) role is essential in building an organization that meets regulatory standards and upholds a robust ethical culture. But what should the CCO be reporting to the Board of Directors to ensure...more
Do you feel that performance metrics to close cases in a certain number of days negatively influences the substantiation rate? If that question has you shifting uncomfortably in your seat, you’re not alone. Frankly, while...more
The building blocks of any compliance program lay the foundations for a best practices compliance program. For instance, in the life cycle management of third parties, most compliance practitioners understand the need for a...more
The Fortieth Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime, held recently, was entirely focused on “Integrity”. This highlights the importance of integrity in organisational life (as well as in our private lives)....more
This week, we return to Sherlock Holmes-themed blog posts. We finished the review of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and now move on to The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. We began the adventure by considering one of the...more
One of the ongoing questions faced by compliance practitioners is how to measure the effectiveness of your compliance program. One of the mechanisms to do so is through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). ...more