News & Analysis as of

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Compliance Risk Management


The Increasing Importance – and Visibility – of Internal Investigations 


New DOJ whistleblower incentives. Investigation-related KPIs. Accountability demands from stakeholders of all stripes.    A combination of hard work by ethics and compliance professionals, high profile internal system...more

Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

Reimagining Compliance as a Product

In the modern corporate environment, compliance must transcend its traditional role as a set of rules and regulations. Instead, it should be reimagined as a product—something employees actively choose to engage with daily....more

Thomas Fox - Compliance Evangelist

Managing Third Parties

The building blocks of any compliance program lay the foundations for a best practices compliance program. For instance, in the life cycle management of third parties, most compliance practitioners understand the need for a...more

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